Washington Examiner

Oliver Anthony shares with Joe Rogan about being a celebrity.

Music Sensation Oliver Anthony Opens Up About Celebrity Status and Criticism

Music ‌sensation‌ Oliver Anthony recently sat ⁤down with Joe Rogan to ⁢discuss his newfound celebrity status and address the criticism he has faced following the success of his hit song, “Rich Men North of Richmond.”

While Anthony’s private life remains relatively⁤ unknown‌ to the public, speculation ​about his political beliefs has been rampant on⁤ social media.

Responding to the Critics

Anthony has been targeted by both the political Left and Right, but he finds the speculation about his life quite amusing.

“It’s ⁣really funny to watch on my end,” he shared on the Joe Rogan Experience. “Obviously, I know what’s true and what’s not.”

He addressed the rumors surrounding his potential performance at ⁣the Super Bowl, stating, “I’m not ‌singing at the Super Bowl. People are just making things up for social and financial gain.”

Anthony emphasized that countless hours have been wasted discussing fabricated stories ⁣that hold no‍ truth. He sees it as ​a form of entertainment and a distraction from the world’s more pressing issues.

“It’s just somebody made them up and put​ them on the internet. So, I’m just letting them⁤ ride. I think⁣ it’s great. I just think it’s great that at least the last⁤ couple weeks, I’ve been able ‍to entertain everyone and get everyone’s mind off ​all the other horrible stuff that’s going⁣ on in the world right now,” he added.

Laughing Off ⁣the Critics

Rogan pointed⁤ out that not everyone finds Anthony’s situation amusing, citing actor Rainn Wilson from The Office as ‍an example.

“Dwight from The Office, he f***ing chimed in,” Rogan said. “If he was gonna‍ write a cultural anthem — what did he⁤ say — something like he wouldn’t write about overweight people on welfare. He would write about billionaires and their taxes.”

Rogan found it hilarious ⁤that​ a Hollywood millionaire like Wilson would criticize billionaires, stating, “There’s‍ nothing funnier than millionaires talking s*** about billionaires. There is nothing⁢ funnier [than] millionaires pretending these billionaires are‍ out of touch.”

Rogan‌ suggested that Wilson should visit impoverished areas like the mining regions of Appalachia in West⁤ Virginia to gain a better understanding of‌ the⁣ challenges faced by those living in poverty and struggling with addiction.

Anthony⁣ chimed in, acknowledging that poverty and drug addiction are⁢ prevalent ‌not only in rural areas but also in downtown regions like Richmond. He explained that these issues are widespread ⁣and that’s why his song resonated with so many people.

Click here to read more from‍ The ⁤Washington ⁤Examiner.

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