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NYT’s David Brooks gripes about meal cost, restaurant reveals expenses

A Whiskey-Colored Lesson in ⁤Self-Awareness: NYT’s David Brooks Complains About Price of Meal

A couple of years ago, in an infamous column published as then-President Donald Trump⁤ was facing impeachment, the insufferable David Brooks of The New ⁤York Times invented “Flyover Man,” a symbolic character meant to represent heartland America’s Trump ​voters.

In the column, “Flyover Man” had ‍a dialogue with “Urban Guy,” the voice of reason. ​Sample:

Urban Guy:

I hope you read the rough transcript​ of that Trump phone ​call with the Ukrainian president. Trump clearly used public power to ask a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent. This is impeachable. I ⁢don’t see how you‍ can deny the facts in front of your face.

Flyover ‌Man:

We knew this guy was a snake when we signed up. But he was the⁣ only one who saw us. He was the only one who saw ​that the America we love is being transformed in front of our eyes. Good‌ jobs for hard-working people were gone.​ Our ‍communities ⁤in tatters. Our⁢ kids in ​trouble. I had one shot at change, so I made a deal with the devil, and you’d have made it, too.

Good grief.

At the⁤ time, I ​ wondered what might have prompted such a leave ‌of Brooks’ senses and⁢ self-awareness to actually put such stuff into print — and in The New York Times, no less.

I’m not⁤ saying we definitively know now, but ⁢I’ll go this far: ‍It seems like the creator of “Flyover Man” might also have a bit‍ of experience with “Hangover Man,” at ‍least judging from his time at ‌an airport restaurant this week.

On Wednesday night, Brooks went viral with​ a complaint ‍about how expensive airport food is.

“This ​meal just cost me‍ $78 ​at ⁤Newark⁤ Airport,” Brooks posted on X, along with a picture⁢ of a half-eaten burger (with⁢ the toppings removed), fries and ‍a drink. “This is why ‌Americans think ⁣the economy is ‌terrible.”

The post racked up over 34 million views in less than two days. ‌noted that Brooks “did not say where he ‍purchased the food at Newark Liberty International Airport. … He also‌ did not specify his order or the nature of⁤ the beverage in the glass.”

“The nature ⁤of the beverage in the glass” ⁤made ⁣for one of the ⁢more hilarious fact-checks in recent memory:

Yes, it turns out ⁢that, according to​ the restaurant, ⁣roughly four-fifths of Brooks’ tab was spent, well, draining ⁣fifths of hooch.

“Looks like‌ someone was knocking back some serious drinks – Bar tab was almost 80% and he’s complaining about ‌the cost ‍of his meal,” the ‌restaurant, 1911⁣ Smoke House ‍Barbeque, said in a Facebook post.

“Keep drinking buddy – we get paid⁤ off everything.”

Now,⁣ by my calculations, the hamburger and fries cost him roughly $16. (It’s⁤ unclear ⁤whether tips were included in this, but I’m just going to‍ assume for the⁣ sake of this exercise ‌that Brooks is⁢ like Mr. Pink in “Reservoir Dogs” and doesn’t believe in tipping, because otherwise it just gets ⁤complicated.)

This means that Brooks spent $62 or thereabouts on‍ alcohol. Restaurant owner‌ Maurice Hallett ⁤said ⁣Brooks likely ordered two whiskey doubles, which cost ‍almost $30, according⁤ to the New York Post.

That’s enough booze that, ​if Brooks were arriving home instead of flying out, he’d either be 1) taking ⁤an Uber, 2) waiting​ quite a while before safely getting his car from long-term parking or ‍3) turning⁤ from “Hangover Man” ‍into “Breathalyzer Man.”

Brooks⁢ received ​plenty of criticism​ for his post ⁣— and‍ not just from the right, as evinced by novelist Joyce ‍Carol Oates ⁤(hardly ​“Flyover Gal”)⁣ joining the fray:

Now,⁣ this is also the restaurant’s word against Brooks’, although I’ve never met a restaurateur whose word I wouldn’t trust over a⁢ New York⁣ Times columnist’s.

There were also those on social media defending Brooks, saying he was actually trying to make a joke:

I dunno.​ Maybe the guy ⁤is funny after $62‍ worth of scotch.

However, let’s just put it this way: A man with⁤ a penchant for going viral ​due to an utter lack of​ self-awareness has gone viral due to an utter lack of self-awareness with a whiskey-colored liquid right in front⁢ of him.

What do you think‌ the odds are that this was some‌ kind of joke ⁣that we all ‌missed instead of buttoned-down David Brooks being David Brooks after dark?

I ‌can make no official ​judgment on ‍whether or not ⁢this​ was a cunning ruse. ⁢All ⁢I have⁣ to say is this: I hope Flyover Man was around to help guide​ Brooks to his flight or a rideshare​ once‍ he​ finished his $78 “meal.”

As for restaurant owner Hallett, ​he’s basking in ⁣the attention Brooks’ attempt at a ​takedown ⁤has brought his restaurant. In fact, he says he might even institute a special‍ named after the columnist.

“It’ll be a cheeseburger and a double ⁣whiskey,”⁤ Hallett said.

The ‌post ‍ NYT’s David Brooks Complains About Price ‌of Meal, Restaurant​ Then Points Out What He Spent ‌It ⁢On appeared first on The ​Western Journal.

⁣ How does David Brooks’ recent complaint about the price of‍ a meal‌ at an airport restaurant reflect a lack of self-awareness?

Whiskey-Colored Lesson in Self-Awareness: NYT’s David Brooks Complains About Price of Meal

In a couple of years ago, David ⁢Brooks, a journalist from The New York Times, sparked controversy with his column that ⁣introduced the character of “Flyover Man.” This character was⁤ intended to⁣ represent Trump voters from the ‌heartland of America. In ⁢the⁢ column, “Flyover Man” engaged in ​a dialogue with “Urban Guy,”⁢ representing reason and opposing views.

The dialogue centered around the ⁣impeachment ⁤proceedings against ⁤then-President ‌Donald Trump, specifically focusing ⁤on his phone call with the⁢ Ukrainian president. ⁣”Urban Guy” insisted that Trump’s actions were ⁢impeachable, ⁢while “Flyover⁣ Man” defended Trump’s perceived understanding ‍of⁤ the issues faced by heartland America, such ⁤as job loss and struggling communities.

At the time, many wondered about‍ the motivation behind Brooks’ creation of “Flyover Man” and the lack of self-awareness demonstrated in his column. While we cannot definitively say​ why Brooks wrote ‌what he did, recent events might provide some insight into his mindset.

Just this week, Brooks took to social media to complain about the high prices of airport food. He posted a⁣ picture of a half-eaten burger, fries, and ​a drink, along with the caption, “This meal just cost me​ $78 ⁤at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.” The post quickly went viral, garnering over 34 million views in less than two days.

The irony of Brooks’ complaint is not lost on many.​ Here is a man who has spent his career writing about ⁤political and social issues, yet he seems ⁢shocked by the high prices at an airport restaurant. It raises questions about his connection to the everyday⁢ experiences​ of the people he writes about and his‍ understanding of economic issues beyond the‌ political lens.

Critics have pointed out that Brooks’ complaint about‌ the cost of a ​meal at an⁤ airport is trivial compared to the significant challenges faced by many​ Americans, particularly those in the heartland that “Flyover ​Man” was intended to represent. It ⁤seems as though Brooks may‍ have lost touch with the reality of everyday life for many Americans and the struggles they face ‍on ⁤a daily basis.

Perhaps Brooks’ experience with “Hangover Man,” as some have humorously suggested, reflects a broader ​lack of ⁣self-awareness on his part.​ While⁣ his column about “Flyover Man” aimed to ‌offer insight into the motivations and grievances of heartland voters, his own complaints ⁤about airport food prices demonstrate a ​detachment from ⁤the concerns ⁢of ordinary Americans.

In conclusion, David Brooks’ recent complaint about the price of a meal​ at an airport restaurant highlights a lack of ⁣self-awareness on his part. It raises questions⁣ about his understanding of the ⁢economic realities⁢ faced ⁣by many Americans and his‍ connection to the everyday experiences of the people he writes about. This serves as a reminder that even those who claim to understand ‍and represent the concerns of ⁤a particular group can still be out of touch with their experiences.

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