Washington Examiner

NYC Mayor Eric Adams aiming to resettle immigrants across US

New York City MEric Adams, ayor of the United States Department of Homeland Security is trying to relocate immigrants from across the country. United States.

Adams is a Democrat. He revealed his plans to a policy briefing Titled Tuesday “The Road Forward: A Blueprint to Address New York City’s Response to the Asylum Seeker Crisis.” Adams’ preface implicitly acknowledges that the crisis is overwhelming and says the city cannot solve it. “asylum seeker crisis” It can be used on its own.

After a wave of immigrant busses from the red states has left the city in crisis, this move is necessary. Adams admitted He did it.


“As of March 2023, there were 79,937 people in shelter placement in New York City (including humanitarian relief centers) — a 77% increase since the start of the Adams administration on January 1st, 2022. This is due in large part to the influx of newcomers. Our shelter system is full, and we are running out of funds, staff, and space,” This is the policy brief.

This continues. “Without additional support, we may not be able to continue supporting recent arrivals along with our preexisting shelter population. We may also have to cut back on city programs and services. With new asylum seekers continuing to arrive each day, we urgently call on all levels of government and all sectors of society to assist us in creating long-term and sustainable solutions to this crisis.”

Adams pushes for a “comprehensive response from all levels of government – especially from our state and federal partners.”

“The city is also in the early stage of being able to assist asylu

“Learn More NYC Mayor Eric Adams aiming to resettle immigrants across US

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