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NTD Evening News: Sept. 13 Broadcast Summary

Breaking News

Convicted ⁢Murderer Captured After Daring Escape

Authorities in Pennsylvania finally captured convicted murderer Danilo Cavalcante on Sept. 13, ⁤nearly two weeks after he escaped from jail. Police​ took him by surprise while he was ⁢sleeping​ Wednesday morning in Chester County.

Senator Mitt Romney Opts Out of Reelection

Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney announced he won’t be running for reelection in 2024. Instead, the 76-year-old called for a new generation⁢ of leaders. His announcement comes amid ongoing debate over whether President Joe Biden is too old to ‍run for office and​ concern over aging politicians.

Tragedy Strikes as Death Toll Rises in Libya ‌Flood

The death toll from the flood ​in Libya has risen to ​over 6,000.‍ Morgues are overwhelmed by the dead bodies, and over 10,000 people are still missing.

Read More From Original Article Here: NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (Sept. 13)

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