Nolte: Joe Biden Leads the Way with Open Defiance of Stupid Mask Mandates

Joe Biden is elderly, frail, has more information than the rest of us about the coronavirus, and is still defying mask mandates.

God love ya, Joe.

We should all thank His Fraudulency for showing us the way, for his brief moment of pure Americanism by way of his strident defiance of unjust and unnecessary laws, in this case, Nantucket’s stupid, city-wide mask mandate and a retail store’s stupid mask mandate.

Joe Biden exiting shopping center without mask (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty)

Joe Biden exiting shopping center without a mask (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty)

Yep, for the entire world to see, there was 79-year-old Joe, even in the face of the coming Omicron strain, strutting around maskless, and in doing so, providing an example to the rest of us.

It’s not just Joe’s defiance of these stupid mask mandates we should cheer; it is his informed defiance. After all, who knows more about the science, about the necessity of mask mandates, about the facts behind the effectiveness of masking than Slow Joe?

So if Slow Joe doesn’t think masking is necessary, if this aging, frail, old man is unafraid to walk around inside a crowded store in the age Omicron, why should any of us wear a mask?

Well, we shouldn’t — unless we want to.

My small town has a mask mandate, and one of the great pleasures of my life has been violating it. Sorry, I’m vaccinated and healthy. For me and mine, this pandemic is over. I’m done being afraid. I’m done having my rights violated. I’m done wearing a stinky mask that is probably more than useless.

Well, I should say that me and Joe are done wearing masks. Me and Joe have had enough of these stupid and useless mandates. Me and Joe are sick and tired of the left’s Virtue Mask Theater.

And I’m heartened, too, by what I’m seeing in my own town. Which is more and more people following Joe’s example and defying my town’s mandate.

Hopefully, now that Joe has taken such a bold and public stand against these fascist mandates, now that the President of the United States himself is defying this anti-science nonsense, more people will follow.

I know Joe gets and has gotten a lot wrong. Overall, he’s a terrible president, a disaster.

But on defying mask mandates, and doing so in such a public way, he is 100 percent correct and deserves our thanks and praise.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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