Conservative News Daily

‘Bongino: Let’s Ditch Mainstream Media for GOP Debate, Discuss Real Issues’

Dan Bongino Wants to Host a Real Debate

Dan Bongino ⁢believes he can do a better job hosting a debate⁢ than Fox News.

And he’s probably⁢ right.

“I think we⁣ should do a debate exclusively on Rumble.⁢ I’ll ‍moderate,” the⁣ conservative commentator wrote ‍in a Thursday post on ‌X, formerly Twitter.

“No bulls*** stuff. Pharma ‍jab, Ukraine, China, police state bulls***, FBI targeting, and all the other stuff the media elites don’t want⁢ to talk about. Let’s do it.”

WARNING: The following tweet contains language the reader may find offensive.

A Disappointing ⁣Republican Primary Debate

If you watched Wednesday night’s Republican primary debate on Fox, you⁤ most likely came away from it⁢ feeling underwhelmed and‌ disappointed.

Instead of a constructive exchange ‍of ⁢substantial policy platforms, the event devolved into a slugfest between several of the⁤ candidates vying for the top spot in the second tier.

The top candidate was, very conspicuously,⁣ not present,⁢ although he was discussed at length.

WARNING: The following video⁢ contains ​language the viewer may find offensive.

The questions were bizarre.

There⁣ was the UFO​ question that‍ made former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie groan.

And a climate ‌change question that prompted Florida Gov. Ron ⁤DeSantis to say, “We’re ⁢not schoolchildren.”

Not a single question about leftist indoctrination in schools or the ‍mutilation‌ of children‌ in the name⁣ of gender⁣ ideology.

And way too ‌much time was⁢ spent, in my opinion, on⁣ complaining ‍about former President Donald Trump instead of ⁢calling out the current administration.

Let’s Talk About the Real Issues

Let’s talk about the real issues —‍ the ⁤weaponized deep state⁤ apparatus, gender ideology, and even what they are going to do about‍ Hunter Biden. The kind of‍ stuff they won’t ‌talk about on cable ‌news.

YouTuber Viva Frei agreed with Bongino and suggested a total overhauling of⁣ the traditional ⁤debate​ format, which he called⁤ “entertaining, but not enlightening.”

He ‍called for “longer⁢ format ​one-on-ones with fewer candidates” and ⁤”5 minute ⁣answers to talk and explain themselves.”

“We’ll see which ones run out of prepared talking ​points and sound clips after 30 seconds,” Frei wrote.

It seems unlikely that the presidential‌ candidates​ would agree to ‌such a debate.

That would require coming up with more than “90-second canned sound ‌bites and platitudes,” in the words of‌ Susie Wiles, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, according‍ to Politico.

And that ‍doesn’t seem like something anyone on that​ stage would be interested in.

The post ‘No Bulls***’: Bongino Offers ⁢to Host GOP ⁢Debate Off ⁣Establishment Media to Talk​ the Real Issues appeared first on ​ The ‍Western Journal.

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