Washington Examiner

Newsom implies that Biden embodies the spirit of youth, which is not defined by age but by a mindset.

Gov. Gavin Newsom Defends‌ President‍ Biden’s Age and Highlights Democratic Party ‍Unity

“I remember Bobby Kennedy said it best:⁣ ‘The world ⁢needs qualities⁤ of ⁤youth,​ not a time of ⁢life, ‍but a ‍state of mind, a ​quality of imagination,’” Newsom told CNN. “I couldn’t ⁣imagine 30 years ago that this president could accomplish so much in such a short period of ⁤time. ​I mean that.”

House Republicans Opposing Stopgap Spending⁣ Measure

Newsom emphasized the importance of focusing on the entire Democratic party rather⁢ than solely on President Biden, who will be 81 in⁤ November.

“It’s not just about ‌one guy or ‍gal on the⁢ white horse that’s‍ going to save the⁣ day for everybody,” the California ‌governor added. “It’s the responsibility‍ of the entire party.”

Despite ​speculation,‍ Newsom‍ firmly denied any ‍plans‍ to run ⁣for president in 2024 and⁢ expressed ⁣his unwavering⁤ support for a second term of the Biden-Harris‍ administration.

“I want a guy who produces, and the results are in,” Newsom said passionately about Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. “It’s been a ⁢master class. There’s simply no administration in my lifetime ‌that’s ⁣been more⁢ effective, producing ⁣more substantive results, and‌ we haven’t even started the campaign.”

When questioned about Biden’s alleged involvement in his son ⁣Hunter Biden’s business dealings, Newsom‍ dismissed it as a common occurrence.

“If that’s the new ⁤criteria, there are a ⁢lot of folks and a lot of industries, not just⁢ in politics, where people ⁣have family members ⁣and relationships, and‍ they’re trying to parlay and ‌get a little ‍influence and benefit in that respect. That’s​ hardly unique,” Newsom explained. “I don’t love that ⁣any ⁤more than you love‍ it or other⁣ people I​ imagine ​love that.⁤ We‌ want​ to see a lot less of that, but [an] ⁢ impeachment inquiry? Give me a break. This is student government. Student ‍government.”

Continuing his criticism, Newsom labeled the threat of ⁢a ⁣government shutdown‍ as a joke ⁢and compared it to student government antics.

“Threatening a ​government shutdown again after we went through that process with the debt ceiling. This ⁢is student government,”⁤ the Democratic governor ⁤continued. “This is a ​joke. Ready, fire, aim. I mean, this‍ is ​a perversity ‌that the ⁣founding fathers ever conceived of and imagined. ​So, if that’s‌ the best they can do, give me a‍ break. That’s about public opinion.”

Newsom also advised Biden⁤ to refrain from interfering ⁢in the investigation or indictments against his son.

“I ​think he’s taking the right approach. It’s tough personally for him not to be ⁢able to say more, I can‌ imagine,” Newsom said. “Forget the ⁣politics. End of ​the ‍day, ‍we come and go. He’s⁤ a future‌ ex-president. I expect that will happen in five-plus years. At a‍ personal level,‍ this⁣ has got to be devastating to⁣ him.”

What does Governor Newsom say about the importance of unity ⁢within the Democratic party and how does he believe it can contribute to achieving legislative goals


Newsom’s defense of ⁢President Biden’s age comes as House‍ Republicans are opposing a stopgap spending measure that would keep the government​ funded through December 3, citing concerns about the growing national debt.

The measure, known as⁤ a continuing resolution, was passed by the Democratic-controlled⁣ House and is set to ⁣be voted on by the Senate. However, some Republicans are pushing for amendments to the bill that would limit its⁣ duration or tie it to other legislative‌ priorities.

Newsom‍ argued that⁣ these tactics are simply an attempt to distract from the accomplishments of the Biden administration and divide ‌the Democratic party.

“We have a Republican party that is becoming more and⁢ more extreme, and their only⁤ strategy seems to be obstruction,” Newsom‍ said. “They don’t have a plan to govern, so they try to throw up roadblocks and create chaos.”

The California governor pointed‌ to the Affordable Care Act and the American Rescue Plan as examples of⁢ the Biden administration’s ⁤success in passing legislation that benefits the American people.

“These are major accomplishments that have a real impact on people’s lives,” Newsom‍ said. “But instead of focusing on that, ⁣we have Republicans in Congress trying to tear it all⁣ down.”

Newsom‍ also highlighted the importance of party unity in achieving these goals.

“We need to ​remember that⁣ the Democratic party is a⁣ coalition,” Newsom‍ said. “We have different voices and different perspectives, but we are united⁣ in‌ our‍ commitment to progress. We can’t let ourselves⁤ get distracted by infighting and personal ambitions.”

Despite his defense of President Biden’s‍ age, Newsom‍ did acknowledge that there will come a ‍time when a new generation of leaders will need to step⁣ forward.

“But that time is ⁣not now,”⁢ Newsom‍ said. “Right now, we have ⁤a president who is getting ​things done. Age is just‌ a number, and experience‍ and ‌wisdom are⁤ valuable assets.”

As for ​his ⁢own⁣ political future, Newsom‍ reiterated that he has no plans to run for ‌president‍ in 2024.

“I am focused on serving the people of California,” Newsom‍ said. “I am committed ‍to leading⁣ our state through these challenging times and ensuring ‍that we come out stronger on ‍the other ⁤side.”

Overall, Newsom‍ emphasized the need for unity within the Democratic party and defended President ⁤Biden’s age as a non-issue. With ongoing challenges facing the ‍nation, ⁣Newsom‍ urged Democrats to stay focused and continue working towards progress and​ the betterment of the ‌American‌ people.

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