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News publishers in talks with OpenAI and Microsoft for payment

The New York Times ⁤and Other News⁤ Publishers Negotiate Compensation with​ AI Developers

The New York Times, along with ⁢other prominent news publishers like Fox News owner News Corps ​and newspaper publisher ⁢Gannett, has been engaged in confidential negotiations with generative artificial intelligence developers, ⁤including OpenAI and Microsoft, ⁣for several months. These negotiations aim to secure fair⁣ compensation for the use of their ⁣content in training AI models.

Recently,⁣ some details of these talks have come to light after The New York Times filed a lawsuit against‌ OpenAI and Microsoft, alleging inadequate compensation for ⁢the​ use of ⁤its work in AI training. The negotiations have been complex ​due ‍to the rapid⁢ advancement ​of technology and ​concerns ​among news ⁢executives about losing‌ revenue to ‍AI‍ bots like ChatGPT.

Frank Shaw, a Microsoft⁣ spokesman, expressed​ optimism about the ongoing⁢ discussions, ‌stating, “We’ve ‌had ⁤thoughtful‌ conversations with several ⁣publishers and ‌look forward‍ to future⁣ discussions.”

Protecting Revenue and Establishing Guidelines

News publishers are cautious⁤ due ⁣to past experiences with tech giants like⁢ Google and Meta dominating advertising‌ and eroding newspaper revenue. They want to ensure that AI bots do not replace their products and result in significant revenue ​loss. The News/Media Alliance, an⁢ advocacy organization representing 2,200 news organizations in the U.S., is also working on a framework ​for AI usage⁤ that can be shared with other outlets.

While some news providers,​ such as Axel Springer‌ and​ The Associated Press, have already reached agreements with OpenAI, others ‌like ​Bloomberg ⁣and The⁤ Washington Post ⁢have chosen not to ⁣participate in the negotiations.

The New⁤ York Times’s Lawsuit

In its lawsuit, The New York‌ Times seeks to hold ⁢OpenAI ⁢and Microsoft accountable for‍ “billions‌ of ⁣dollars in statutory and actual damages” resulting from‍ the “unlawful​ copying and use” of‌ its valuable works. The lawsuit also demands the destruction of all data⁢ and⁣ chatbot models that include The New York Times’s content.

This⁢ legal action marks ⁣The⁣ New York⁢ Times as the first⁢ newspaper‍ to ⁣challenge OpenAI⁣ and Microsoft’s use ​of ⁢its content in training models without​ proper licensing ⁤agreements.


How do news publishers and AI developers negotiate compensation for the use of news⁣ content in training AI models?

Ave​ come ‌to light,⁢ shedding light on the complexities involved in negotiating⁤ compensation ⁣between news publishers and AI developers. The involvement of major players ⁤in the news industry, such as The New York Times, News Corps, and​ Gannett, underscores the‌ significance of these negotiations in shaping the future of news media.

The use of ⁢generative artificial intelligence, or AI, has become increasingly prevalent in various industries, including news production. ‍AI models are trained using ⁣vast amounts of data, including ​articles⁣ and ⁤other⁣ content from news publishers. However, this raises the question of fair compensation ⁤for the use of this content, as AI models generate new content based on the information provided.

The negotiations between⁣ news⁣ publishers and ​AI developers​ aim⁣ to address this ​issue and ensure that⁣ news organizations‌ are appropriately compensated for their⁢ valuable ‌content. While the ⁤details‌ of these talks have⁣ been kept confidential, it is ⁢clear that both parties are actively seeking a resolution that ‌is fair and mutually beneficial.

One of the key challenges in these negotiations is determining the value‍ of news content⁤ for AI training purposes. News publishers invest significant time, effort, and resources into creating high-quality journalism that is essential for a well-informed society. Hence,​ it is vital that⁢ any compensation agreement⁣ properly reflects the value that news publishers‍ bring to the table.

On the other hand, AI developers argue that the use of news ⁢content is essential for training their models, which ultimately contribute to ⁢various applications ​and ⁣services. They contend⁢ that the value generated by AI models extends ‍beyond the⁢ initial content and should be​ considered when determining compensation.

Finding common ground amidst these differing perspectives is a complex task. The ‍negotiations involve numerous ⁤factors, such as the amount of content used, the specific usage rights granted, and the financial terms of ‍the agreement. Additionally, there is the⁢ challenge of ⁤accounting for the evolving nature of AI technology and the potential impact on the news industry.

The ⁤involvement⁤ of prominent news ‌publishers in these negotiations sets a precedent for ⁢the ⁤industry and underscores⁣ the importance of establishing fair compensation practices. ​The outcomes of these talks will likely shape future agreements between news publishers and AI developers across‍ the board.

Moreover, these negotiations highlight ​the need for ongoing dialogue between‌ the⁤ news industry and AI developers. ‍As AI technology continues⁣ to advance, and its impact on the ‌news media ⁤becomes more pronounced,⁢ it is crucial for⁢ both parties to engage in⁣ open and transparent discussions to address emerging‌ challenges and foster a sustainable ‍relationship.

In conclusion, the negotiations ‍between ​news publishers and AI developers regarding compensation for ‌the use of news content in⁢ training AI models are ongoing. The involvement of major players in the news industry ⁣emphasizes the significance‌ of these talks in shaping the future of news ⁢media. As technology advances, it is essential that fair‍ and mutually beneficial agreements are reached ⁣to ensure the sustainability of the news ‌industry and the⁢ responsible use⁢ of AI. Open‍ and ‌transparent dialogue ‌between news‍ publishers and AI ⁤developers is crucial for establishing suitable‌ compensation practices and addressing emerging challenges.

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