
Trump is ahead of Biden in Michigan and Pennsylvania, according to recent polls.

Former US President and ⁢2024 presidential‌ hopeful Donald Trump arrives to speak at ‍Drake Enterprises, an automotive parts manufacturer and supplier, in Clinton, Michigan, on September 27, ‍2023. ‌(Photo by MATTHEW⁣ HATCHER/AFP via Getty⁤ Images)

OAN’s Daniel Baldwin
10:55 AM – Wednesday, October 11, ​2023

Numerous polls show former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden by significant margins in both Michigan and‌ Pennsylvania about a year away from the 2024 election.


An MRG ⁢ poll of 600⁢ likely voters in early ⁤October has revealed ‌that Trump held a 7% lead on Biden in Michigan. Specifically, Trump ‌hauled ⁤in 42% while Biden only brought in ⁢35%. 20%⁤ of likely voters supported someone ⁣else. The margin of​ error for ‌this survey was 4%.

These⁢ numbers come⁢ after Trump spurned the ​second Republican primary debate in favor of speaking to⁢ dissatisfied auto-workers in Clinton Township, Michigan in the midst of the United ⁢Auto Workers union strike.

“If you ⁣want to save your livelihoods‍ and your ⁤way​ of life, then ‍you need to ⁣send a message and join the ultimate strike⁢ against​ the globalist class by casting ⁣your⁢ vote for a ⁣gentleman known as Donald J. Trump,” ‌Trump told⁢ the crowd in Michigan in September.

Biden won Michigan in 2020 by about ‍150,000​ votes after Trump won the state in ⁣2016.

A new Emerson College poll⁣ also revealed Trump holds a ⁣9% lead on ‌Biden in the crucial ‍state of ​Pennsylvania. The⁣ poll claims Trump outpaces Biden ⁤45% to ​36% in⁤ the Keystone⁤ State among registered voters. This‍ poll also ‌falls outside the margin of ⁣error rate of ​4.7%.

This is the ‌second poll of October 2023 that shows Trump leading ​Biden in Pennsylvania, a state that Biden won in 2020.⁤ Quinnipiac’s poll claimed ​Trump was up by 2% in Pennsylvania. However,‍ it showed Trump leading Biden by 9%⁣ among Independent voters.

RealClearPolitics polling average continues to show Trump​ leading Biden in a 2024 ‍matchup by 1%.

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What is the margin of ​error for the MRG poll conducted in Michigan that ⁢shows Donald Trump leading Joe​ Biden in the 2024 election?

Donald Trump Leading in Michigan and ⁣Pennsylvania Polls ‍for ​2024 Election

Former President Donald Trump is‍ reportedly leading President Joe Biden in the polls for the ‍2024 election in‌ both‍ Michigan‌ and Pennsylvania. Various ‌polls ‍have shown that ⁤Trump⁤ holds a‍ significant⁣ advantage over Biden in these states, which could have crucial implications for the upcoming election.

In Michigan,‍ an⁤ MRG poll of 600 likely voters conducted in early October revealed that Trump holds a‌ 7% lead over Biden. The poll ‌showed that Trump⁤ garnered 42%⁤ of support, while Biden only managed to secure 35%. The remaining 20% of likely voters ‍expressed support ​for other ‍candidates. The margin ⁢of error ‍for this particular survey was 4%.‍ These numbers come⁤ after Trump‌ chose to ⁢forgo the⁤ second ⁣Republican primary debate and instead focused on addressing dissatisfied​ auto-workers in Clinton Township, Michigan, amidst a ‌United⁢ Auto Workers union strike.

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, a recent poll conducted by Emerson ‍College also showed Trump leading Biden ⁢by a margin of 9%. Among registered⁢ voters​ in the Keystone State, Trump obtained ‍45%‌ support, while Biden only received 36%. ‌This particular poll falls outside the margin of error ​rate ‌of 4.7%. Notably, ⁤Biden won Michigan in⁣ the‍ 2020 election by approximately 150,000⁢ votes, after Trump had won the state in 2016.

These‍ polling results ⁣highlight the ​ongoing support for​ Trump in key‍ states​ that⁣ will play ‌a crucial role ⁤in​ the 2024 election. Trump’s appeal to blue-collar​ workers and ⁤his focus on​ issues ‍such as job security and the wellbeing of the middle class seem to resonate with voters in these⁢ regions. ‍It remains to be‍ seen how these⁣ polls will influence the strategies and campaigns ‌of both Trump and Biden as they navigate the ⁢road to the 2024 election.

Overall, these polls ⁤indicate that Trump is currently in a strong⁣ position ​in ‌both Michigan and Pennsylvania. However, ⁣it is important to note that the political landscape can often​ change dramatically in the​ lead-up ‌to ⁣elections. The opinions and preferences of voters⁣ can​ shift, and ⁤unexpected ‌events ⁣may shape⁤ the outcome of the race.‌ As the 2024 election approaches, it will be crucial to closely monitor these‍ polls and observe how⁢ the candidates adapt their strategies to secure⁢ the support of voters

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