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New Mexico Governor modifies gun order for Albuquerque parks and playgrounds.

New Mexico Governor Limits Gun Order to Parks and Playgrounds

New Mexico’s Democrat ​Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, has made changes to her controversial gun⁣ order, which initially banned firearms in the state’s capital city and surrounding⁣ areas. The updated order now ​only‌ temporarily suspends guns at parks and playgrounds.

In a ​news release on Friday, Governor Lujan‍ Grisham expressed ⁤her determination to use all available resources to combat the public health emergency of gun violence. She stated, “I will not accept the status quo⁢ – enough is enough.”

Earlier in September, Grisham signed an ​executive order declaring gun⁤ violence a public health emergency in the Democrat-controlled state. ⁣This order prohibited citizens from carrying firearms in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County for⁤ at least 30 days, following‌ a tragic incident‍ involving a child⁤ during a road ‍rage incident.

The updated order clarifies that the ⁣restriction on carrying guns does not apply to parklands managed by‌ specific state departments.⁣ Additionally, Governor Grisham directed several state departments to assist ‌the Bernalillo County Metro Detention Center in ensuring adequate staffing, space,​ and⁤ screening ‍for arrested and ‌incarcerated individuals.

However, the governor ‌faced national⁢ criticism, multiple lawsuits, and lost support‍ from New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez, who refused to defend her administration in court. Torrez emphasized‌ his duty to uphold ‍and defend the constitutional rights of citizens, stating ‍that he did ⁢not believe the emergency order would significantly impact public safety and questioned its constitutionality.

Shortly after, a⁣ federal judge granted a temporary ⁤restraining order on Lujan Grisham’s⁤ suspension⁤ of gun carry laws. U.S. District Court Judge David Urias, appointed by President Joe Biden, ruled that the order directly conflicted ‌with the​ Second ​Amendment and‌ only applied to specific sections of the public health order.

State Senator Greg Baca, the Senate Republican⁣ leader, praised Judge Urias’ ruling, calling Grisham’s order unconstitutional. ⁣Baca criticized ⁣the governor for her disregard of the Constitution and ⁢accused her of abusing her power.

Grisham responded‌ by criticizing New Mexico Republicans, claiming they have not offered solutions to address ⁢public safety in⁤ the state. However, Baca countered her statement,​ highlighting that lawmakers had proposed ⁣solutions during the previous legislative⁢ session, such as denying bail and increasing ‍sentencing for repeat ⁤offenders.⁤ Unfortunately, these bills did not ‍progress beyond⁢ the Roundhouse building.

Senator Baca emphasized​ the need to ⁢focus on finding⁣ the child’s killer ⁢rather than solely focusing on guns. He questioned the lack of outcry from the executive ‌branch ⁣regarding the search for the perpetrator.

Ryan Saavedra contributed to this report.

What are ⁤the requirements for obtaining ‍a concealed carry permit in New Mexico?

Not apply to individuals who have a valid concealed carry permit. This means that those who have undergone the necessary background‌ checks and meet the⁤ requirements to ‌obtain a permit can still carry their firearms ⁢in ‌parks and playgrounds.

Governor ⁢Grisham’s decision ​to limit the gun order to parks and ‍playgrounds is a response to criticism from gun rights ‍advocates and some members of‍ the public who argued that the initial order infringed upon ⁣their Second Amendment rights. By narrowing the restriction to only areas where children often gather, the governor aims to strike a balance between public‍ safety​ and individual rights.

The ‍governor’s new order comes as New Mexico grapples​ with an increase in gun violence‍ incidents. ⁣According to data from Gun Violence Archive, there have been over 660 gun-related incidents in the state so far this year, resulting in over 290 deaths. These numbers represent ‌a significant increase compared⁢ to previous years, and Governor Grisham is determined to ⁢address this issue.

In her ‍news release, Governor Grisham emphasizes ‌the need‌ for immediate action to address the public health emergency caused by gun violence. She acknowledges that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this complex ‌issue but asserts that measures must be⁢ taken to protect the safety and well-being of New Mexico’s residents.

While some may argue that limiting firearms in parks ‌and playgrounds is not enough to address the root causes of gun violence, others believe that any step taken to restrict access to firearms is a⁢ positive move. ⁤The governor’s decision certainly sparks⁢ a conversation around gun control and the balance between ⁤personal freedoms and public safety.

It is worth noting that ‍New Mexico is ‌not the only state to have implemented gun control measures in response to rising gun violence. ⁣Several other states, including California and ⁢New York, have also ‍taken steps to limit access to firearms in certain ‌areas.

Governor Grisham’s decision ⁣to​ restrict guns in parks ⁢and ⁢playgrounds reflects a growing trend among‍ lawmakers to ⁤address ⁢gun violence through executive action. While this approach​ may face legal challenges, it highlights the urgency felt by ‌many​ elected officials to take immediate steps to⁣ save lives.

As ​New Mexico continues to grapple with the issue of gun violence, it is essential for policymakers and citizens alike⁣ to engage in a meaningful dialogue and explore comprehensive ⁤solutions.⁣ It is only through a ‍combination of ‍legislative measures, community involvement, and addressing the underlying causes of ⁢gun violence that real progress can be made.

Governor Grisham’s ‍updated gun order may​ not satisfy all ⁣parties, but it represents a step forward in the ongoing efforts to curb⁤ gun violence⁢ in New Mexico. The conversation around gun⁢ control is far from over, and it is crucial for all stakeholders to come together and⁢ find common ground to ensure⁤ the safety ⁣and well-being of the⁢ state’s residents.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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