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New Info Released on Unidentified Object Shot Down Over Alaska

The unidentified object, which the U.S. Military shot down Alaska On Friday, a report said that he had a “cylindrical shape” It was approximately the same size as a small car.

A U.S. official Telled The object of Politico did not seem to have any “observable surveillance equipment.”

President Joe Biden was apparently quickly informed that the object crossed into U.S. Air Space late Thursday night. It was then decided to take it down.

Officials have yet to confirm if the object was another Chinese spy ball. The object was reported to have been flying at around 40,000ft, which makes it a threat for civilian aircraft.

“We have no further details about the object at this time, including any description of its capabilities, purpose or origin,” said Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder. “The object was about the size of a small car, so not similar in size or shape to the high-altitude surveillance balloon that was taken down off the coast of South Carolina.”

The news comes after the U.S. military used an F-22 Raptor last week to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic Ocean using a single air-to-air AIM-9X Sidewinder missile that was fired at an altitude of approximately 58,000 feet. After President Joe Biden had allowed the spy balloon to fly thousands of miles above the United States, the decision was made to shoot it down.

The report stated that the latest U.S. airspace breach occurred over Alaska on Thursday night. Officials were unable to confirm whether the object came from a foreign country because of how fast events happened.

Senator Dan Sullivan (R.-AK) said that he was glad that the Biden Administration shot down the object, and that it was not allowed to travel further into U.S. space like the Chinese spy ball.

“As I’ve been doing for the past week, including in a classified briefing with senior Pentagon officials yesterday, I strongly encouraged the NORTHCOM Cmdr this morning to shoot down this latest unidentified intrusion into Alaska air space. I commend them for doing so today.”

This is a new story in development. Keep checking the page for any updates.

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