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New Book Reveals Political Issue That Caused Biden To Explode In Fits Of Rage: Report

A book that is expected to hit bookshelves next month will detail one of the issues that reportedly caused President Joe Biden to explode into fits of rage during his first years as president.

Author Chris Whipple, in his forthcoming book, “The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House,” describes how the scenes of illegal aliens flooding the U.S. southern border caused Biden to erupt into states of fury, dropping f-bombs in front of aides.

“Meanwhile, illegal immigrants kept arriving. And Biden was furious,” the book says, according to a copy obtained by Fox News.  “Aides had rarely seen him so angry. From all over the West Wing, you could hear the president cursing, dropping f-bombs (he’d always apologize when women were present).”

A senior Biden official told the author that the anger came from an apparent “lack of solutions” to the crisis.

“It’s like, ‘How would you feel if you were me and these were the solutions you had?’ It’s the weight of the presidency, right?’” the adviser said.

The book said that “early in his term he had reserved the f-bomb mostly for discussions of the southern border,” but he later started using it when other crises began popping up.

The book gained attention earlier this week when it revealed that Biden called Vice President Kamala Harris, who has struggled throughout her first two years in office, a “work in progress.”

POLITICO reported that Biden reportedly learned that Harris’ husband was complaining about the policy portfolio that she had been given to tackle in her role as vice president.

“Biden was annoyed,” the book said. “He hadn’t asked Harris to do anything he hadn’t done as vice president — and she’d begged him for the voting rights assignment.”

Another senior administration official agreed, according to the book, saying that Harris’ inner circle “didn’t serve her well in the presidential campaign — and they are ill-serving her now.”

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