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Never Ignore These 50 Subtle Symptoms

50 Signs That Something Could Be Seriously Wrong with Your Health

Healthy Living Can Only Do So Much

Most doctors worth their weight in medical degrees agree that maintaining a balanced diet, leading an active lifestyle, and scheduling regular checkups will put you on the right track when it comes to your health. But the truth is, healthy living can only do so much.

Knowing our bodies well and recognizing when something isn’t right is key to wellness. That may be more easily said than done, however: Signs of serious health issues can be subtle in the early stages, when intervention is typically most successful. Whether you’ve noticed changes to your mood, sleep patterns, weight, or even your handwriting, recognizing certain near-silent symptoms in time can clue you in to potentially-serious sicknesses. In fact, doing so might even save your life.

Read on for 50 signs that something could be seriously wrong—and schedule a check-up with your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing any of them.

READ THIS NEXT: This Is the No. 1 Heart Attack Symptom People Ignore, Doctors Say.


Itchy Skin Could Be a Sign of Something More Serious

Itchy skin is usually pretty straightforward, frequently stemming from a reaction to external irritants, dryness, or even a minor sunburn. However, in some cases, itchy skin is indicative of deeper systemic conditions related to your kidneys and liver. According to this 2015 study from the British Journal of General Practice, itchy skin can indicate kidney failure, blood diseases including lymphoma and leukemia, and liver diseases such as primary biliary cirrhosis.

If you feel the frequent need to scratch, but there’s no visible rash, it’s time to speak with your doctor about the possibility of a more serious underlying issue.

Yakobchuk Viachesla / Shutterstock

Don’t Ignore Rib Pain

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three people will develop shingles in their lifetime, and an estimated one million cases of shingles are diagnosed in America each year. But despite its prevalence, one of its major symptoms is very often overlooked: rib pain.

“Often patients think they injured a rib or have a kidney infection because they have pain over the area, when in fact it is the early stages of shingles,” explains Kristine Arthur, MD, a board-certified internist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.

ess becomes more than just a passing moment. If you find yourself struggling to remember important details or experiencing memory loss that interferes with your daily life, it’s time to take action.

Don’t Ignore These 4 Health Symptoms


Neck Stiffness

Neck stiffness can be caused by a variety of factors, but it can also be a sign of a degenerative cervical spinal disorder. This condition affects up to two-thirds of the population in their lifetime and can lead to permanent nerve damage, spinal cord compression, paralysis, and even death if left untreated. Don’t ignore persistent neck pain and stiffness—seek professional help to ensure your health and safety.

READ THIS NEXT: Selma Blair Reveals the Early MS Sign She Didn’t Know Was a Symptom.


Personality Changes

If you or those around you notice abrupt personality changes that aren’t preceded by a major life event, it may be due to a medical cause. A doctor can help you evaluate whether the culprit is a mental health issue, a side effect of medication, a neurological problem, or another body-wide health concern. Don’t ignore these changes—seek professional help to determine the underlying cause.


Joint Pain

Joint pain is often dismissed as a natural part of aging, but it can severely limit your mobility and overall health. Maintaining mobility is key to your overall health and wellness, and neglecting joint pain can increase your risk of falls, poor psychological health, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and other serious health concerns. Don’t let joint pain take a toll on your health—talk to your doctor about your symptoms.

Memory Loss

Forgetfulness is common, but if you find yourself struggling to remember important details or experiencing memory loss that interferes with your daily life, it’s time to take action. Memory loss can be a sign of a serious health concern, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Don’t ignore these symptoms—seek professional help to ensure your health and safety.

Don’t Ignore These Subtle Symptoms That Could Indicate Serious Health Issues

Did you know that changes in your handwriting could be a sign of a neurological disorder? According to a study in the journal Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, Parkinson’s patients often demonstrate micrographia, or writing in a notably smaller print. And changes in handwriting can also be a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease, brain tumors, and Parkinson’s. So, if you notice major changes to your signature or handwriting, it’s important to speak with your doctor.

Abdominal pain is a common symptom, but if the pain is contained in the lower right side, it could be a sign of appendicitis. A study in The Journal of The Canadian Chiropractic Association found that appendicitis can often go undetected due to the subtlety of the pain level some patients experience. If you notice this symptom, it’s time to call the doctor—even if the pain feels manageable at the moment.

Heat illness can occur when the body’s core temperature rises past a functioning threshold and is unable to cool itself down. While cramping may not necessitate a call to the doctor on its own, it is a reminder that you should slow down before pushing yourself to the point of heat stroke. Sports medicine specialist and orthopedic surgeon Bert Mandelbaum explains that extremely hot weather, humidity, and strenuous exercise can make it much more difficult for the sweat to evaporate and the body’s temperature can begin to rise past normal limits.

Unfortunately, there are no specific early symptoms or signs for ovarian cancer. However, pelvic pain can be a symptom of the life-threatening illness. If you experience pelvic pain, it’s important to speak with your doctor.


  • Changes in handwriting can be a sign of a neurological disorder
  • Lower right abdominal pain could be a sign of appendicitis
  • Cramping is a reminder to slow down before pushing yourself to the point of heat stroke
  • Pelvic pain can be a symptom of ovarian cancer

Don’t Ignore These Subtle Health Symptoms

When it comes to our health, it’s important to pay attention to even the smallest changes. According to Dr. Vasilev, “The best advice rests with knowing your body and appreciating subtle changes.” So, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to take notice.



While bloating can be caused by something as simple as PMS or a heavy meal, it can also be a symptom of endometriosis. Women who experience regular, painful bloating outside of their menstrual cycle should be on the lookout for other symptoms, such as painful bowel or urinary issues, pain in the lower extremities, chest pain, and difficulty conceiving.

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to see a doctor. Dr. Sherry Ross, MD, OB/GYN and Women’s Health Expert at Providence Saint John’s Health Center, recommends seeking medical attention if you’re experiencing bloating that persists or if you’re having difficulty conceiving.


Irregular Periods

While mild bleeding between periods is considered normal, heavier bleeding between menstruation can be a sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This condition affects 5-10% of women and can cause infertility and excruciating pain.

If your periods are arriving more frequently than every 21 days or if you go more than 45 days between them, it’s time to see a doctor.


Easy Bruising

As we age, it’s not unusual to discover that we bruise more easily than we used to. However, if you notice that the bruises are large, happen frequently with no known injury, or have come on suddenly, it could be a sign of hemophilia or an inability for the blood to clot.

If you have a history of excessive bruising or bleeding, it’s important to speak with a doctor about it to avoid dangerous internal bleeding.


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

DVT occurs when a patient experiences a blood clot in a deep vein, most frequently in the calves. It can lead to pulmonary embolism if it travels through the bloodstream and creates a blockage in the lungs. If you notice tenderness, swelling, redness, or pain in those areas where DVT most commonly strikes, it’s important to seek medical attention.


Dry Eyes

Dry eyes may be the result of aging or medication side effects. However, if you’re experiencing persistent dry eyes, it could be a sign of an underlying condition. It’s important to speak with a doctor to rule out any serious health issues.

o an underlying health issue that needs attention. If you’re experiencing unexplained weight gain, it’s important to consult with a medical professional to rule out potential causes such as thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances, or even certain medications. Don’t ignore this symptom, as it could be a sign of a more serious health problem that requires treatment. Take control of your health and seek medical advice if you’re concerned about unexplained weight gain.Don’t Ignore These Subtle Signs That Something’s Off With Your Health

When it comes to our health, it’s important to pay attention to even the smallest changes. Did you know that feeling full after eating small amounts could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux, stomach ulcers, or even a tumor? And if you’re waking up drenched in sweat, it could be a sign of a nervous system disorder or untreated anxiety.

Here are some other subtle signs to watch out for:

Unexplained Weight Gain

Unexplained weight gain could be a sign of hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, or a problem with your digestive tract, according to Harvard Medical School.


Feeling Full After Eating Small Amounts

If you find that eating small amounts leaves you with the feeling of a full stomach, this may be a subtle sign that something is off in your esophagus or stomach: in particular, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), stomach ulcers, and occasionally, pancreatic or stomach tumors, according to the Medical University of South Carolina. In these cases, the sensation of early satiety comes from having a physical obstruction that pushes your food higher in your digestive tract—so don’t ignore that sudden reduction in your hunger cues.


Shortness of Breath After Eating

Shortness of breath should always be a red flag. But if you experience this particular symptom after eating, chances are you have one of two things: a food allergy, or hiatal hernia. A food allergy should be tended to immediately, especially if this is the first encounter you’ve had with a new food, as things have the potential to escalate quickly in cases of anaphylaxis.

A hiatal hernia is an often undetected condition in which the stomach herniates through the diaphragm. “In some very large paraesophageal hernias, the stomach may push on the diaphragm or compress the lungs contributing to a sensation of shortness of breath,” according to the Medical College of Wisconsin. The fact that you’re experiencing symptoms at all means intervention will likely be necessary—potentially even surgery.


Night Sweats

If you wake up in the night drenched in sweat even though you keep the thermostat down, you won’t want to ignore this symptom. According to a 2012 study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, the sweating could be the result of a range of conditions, including nervous system disorders, spinal cord issues, trauma, and abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide in your blood. It can even be the result of untreated anxiety, so make sure to talk to your doctor if this symptom arises.



If you’ve never been particularly prone to snoring, but you (or your partner) have noticed a change, you may be displaying the early signs of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, leaving you vulnerable to fatigue, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and more. If you find that you snore loudly, awaken suddenly, are gasping for breath when you wake up, feel tired even after sleeping a normal number of hours, or have a very dry mouth in the morning, these can all be signs that it’s time to talk to a doctor.


Remember, your body is always communicating with you. Don’t ignore these subtle signs that something may be off with your health.

Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs of Serious Health Issues

Let’s face it, many of us are spread too thin these days. That’s what makes it so hard to tell the difference between run-of-the-mill exhaustion and something far more serious. According to a 2015 report from the Institute of Medicine, an estimated 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis) but have not been diagnosed. If you suspect your exhaustion is more than just the result of a few too many late nights, talk to your doctor before your symptoms get worse.


Sleep disturbances can happen for a lot of reasons: stress, anxiety, or physical discomfort can trigger unwanted wakefulness in even the best sleepers. But sometimes sleepless nights point to a more serious issue—and the possible causes run the gamut from respiratory problems to thyroid disease to Parkinson’s. If the changes in your sleep patterns are making it difficult to get through the day, a doctor can help you determine the cause.


If you experience pain on one side of your back, don’t ignore it—it could be a kidney stone.

“Pain arises when the stone moves from the kidney into the ureter, the small tube that transports urine from the kidney to the bladder,” explains S. Adam Ramin, MD, urologic surgeon and medical director of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles, California. “If the stone blocks the passing of urine in one—or both—of these tubes, the urine will begin to back up into the bladder, causing swelling and pain, which can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, sharp, cramping pain in the lower back and abdomen—that usually comes in waves as the body tries to rid itself of the stone—and an intense urge to urinate.”


While headaches can happen for a wide range of reasons and are not always cause for alarm, they can also be a sign of a tumor. “Headaches are very common and difficult to associate with tumor, but changes in frequency, type, or intensity of headache should prompt neurological evaluation,” Kesari explains. “Headaches typically are due to the tumor size and growth rate. So larger tumors and faster growing tumors cause an increase pressure in the brain resulting in activation of pain receptors on the coverings of the brain, resulting in headache.”


People tend to lump lightheadedness and dizziness into the same category and use the words interchangeably, but these two similar feelings can indicate totally different underlying conditions. While lightheadedness typically means you’re dehydrated, hungry, overtired, or experiencing an unpleasant side effect of a medication, dizziness is frequently associated with some more serious concerns, like vertigo, tumors, strokes, and inner ear infections or diseases.

Don’t Wait, Talk to Your Doctor

  • If you’re experiencing chronic fatigue, talk to your doctor before your symptoms get worse.
  • If changes in your sleep patterns are making it difficult to get through the day, a doctor can help you determine the cause.
  • If you experience pain on one side of your back, don’t ignore it—it could be a kidney stone.
  • If you’re experiencing changes in frequency, type, or intensity of headache, seek neurological evaluation.
  • If you’re feeling lightheaded or dizzy, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.

Don’t Ignore These Symptoms: They Could Be Signs of Serious Health Issues

Have you ever waved your fingers in front of your face and thought you saw more than five? This could be a sign of a motor abnormality and it’s important not to ignore it. If you experience this symptom, it’s time to call a doctor for a full evaluation.


Many people believe that heart attacks are always accompanied by severe chest pain, but this is not always the case. According to California-based cardiologist Richard Wright, most of the time the signs and symptoms are more subtle. If you feel chest pressure or discomfort, call a doctor immediately or an emergency line if you suspect a heart attack.


If you experience a fluttering feeling in your chest, don’t wait to get to the doctor. This symptom is a key indicator of atrial fibrillation (AFib), a condition that can lead to blood clots, strokes, and heart failure. According to Shephal Doshi, director of cardiac electrophysiology at Providence Saint John’s Health Center, common symptoms of AFib include fatigue, rapid or irregular heart action, palpitation, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath.


If you notice signs of gum disease, such as red or swollen gums, bleeding while brushing or flossing, loose teeth, receding gums, or mouth sores, it’s time to see a dentist. Gingivitis, a form of plaque buildup that irritates the gums, can lead to gum disease. According to a 2006 study published in the journal Odontology, gum disease is connected with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory diseases, and osteoporosis.


Don’t ignore the combination of dry eyes and mouth. While each of these symptoms is fairly innocuous on its own, a pairing of the two may be an indication of Sjögren’s Syndrome, an autoimmune disease that affects your mucus membranes and glands. Sjögren’s commonly accompanies more serious conditions, like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, so make sure to tell your doctor if you’re dealing with these symptoms.


A 2017 study in the Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility confirmed what many people already suspected: stress can cause digestive issues. If you’re experiencing stomach pain, bloating, or diarrhea, it’s important to address the root cause of your stress and seek medical attention if necessary.

Don’t Ignore These Symptoms: What They Could Mean for Your Health

GERD: When Food Just Doesn’t Taste the Same

As those with gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) already know, when you suffer from GERD, food simply doesn’t taste or smell the same. Many with GERD report decreased enjoyment while eating, and the change in their experience correlates with the severity of their condition. If you notice that your tried and true culinary staples begin to taste a bit off, or the flavors are a shadow of what you remember them to be, don’t ignore this symptom.


Physical Weakness: Could It Be a Tumor?

Though physical weakness can be the result of nerve damage, muscular or skeletal degeneration, or a neuromuscular disorder, it can also be the result of a tumor. “If a brain tumor is in the frontal lobe motor cortex or affects the motor fibers—these are the neurons and pathways that control the muscles—then patients can present with weakness of an extremity,” warns Kesari. “This usually indicates the location of the tumor as well.” To determine whether or not your physical weakness is this worst-case scenario or not, consult a doctor about your sudden change in strength.


Diabetes: Subtle Symptoms to Watch For

Diabetes symptoms are often subtle, which is why experts estimate that there are millions of undetected cases of diabetes in America today. Type 2 diabetes is particularly difficult to identify because of how gradually the symptoms present, making it crucial to clue yourself in to your body and be in tune with minor changes. At the top of the Mayo Clinic’s list of possible diabetes symptoms is extreme thirst and frequent urination, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms, like fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, swollen gums, slow-healing sores, or increased hunger.


Breast Lumps: What You Need to Know

On paper, finding a lump in your breast may seem like an obvious red flag. But the reality is that in most women, breast tissue is naturally lumpy, which can make abnormalities far more difficult to detect than people realize. Richard Reitherman, the medical director of breast imaging at MemorialCare Breast Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, points out that “findings may be noticeable in only one position,” and there’s no one thing you should be looking for. “Masses can feel like a hard marble and be mobile, or be less defined and non-mobile or fixed,” he says. The key is to do at-home exams frequently, schedule annual mammograms, and contact your doctor immediately if you notice anything new.


Take care of your health and don’t ignore any symptoms that seem unusual or out of the ordinary. Consult with a medical professional to ensure your well-being.

Don’t Ignore These Symptoms: They Could Be Signs of Something Serious

It’s easy to brush off aches and pains as just part of daily life, but sometimes they can be a sign of something more serious. Here are some symptoms that you should never ignore:

Shutterstock / 9nong

Lumps in the Armpit

Even small, painless lumps can be a sign that cancer has affected the lymph nodes.


Breast Tenderness

While hormonal changes related to menstruation or pregnancy frequently cause breast tenderness, it’s important to keep a keen eye on this symptom, especially if it’s accompanied by changes in the nipples, including in color or texture. Don’t be afraid to let your doctor know that what you’re experiencing isn’t normal for you. Follow-up imaging examinations and doctor visits, or a biopsy consultation with a specialist, can help get to the root of your symptoms.


Pain in the Right Upper Quadrant

While any pain in your abdomen can be the result of a serious condition, pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) should always prompt a call to the doctor as it can indicate anything from a liver abscess to Hepatitis C. One third of patients initially diagnosed with acute cholecystitis (the most common culprit for RUQ pain) later found another underlying cause for their discomfort. This is yet another reason why you should always call a doctor instead of ignoring this symptom or attempting to manage the pain yourself.


Stabbing Pain in the Upper Abdomen

Typically gallstones are identified when patients complain of a stabbing pain in the upper abdomen. But gastroenterologist Rudolph Bedford warns that people should also be aware that sometimes the discomfort can present even higher, between the shoulder blades. Gallstones are the product of cholesterol and bile, and this may result in infection, irritation, and inflammation. Gallbladder removal is one of the most common surgeries in the U.S. and is the main treatment for removing gallstones. Unfortunately, all too often this symptom is misattributed to a back injury, resulting in delayed treatment and unnecessarily prolonged pain.

Shutterstock/Nicoleta Ionescu


Not only is belching unpleasant for you and those around you, it can also be a sign of a major digestive problem. If paired with vomiting, sore throat, heartburn, cramping, or bowel problems, plan to seek medical advice. The most common causes for digestive issues are GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, diverticulitis, gallstones, and ulcerative colitis—all of which warrant medical intervention.

Don’t Ignore These Symptoms: What Your Body is Trying to Tell You

Urinary Incontinence

Don’t let embarrassment stop you from seeking help if you suffer from urinary incontinence. It’s a common issue that millions of women deal with at some point in their lives. The good news is that you can regain bladder control by making certain dietary and lifestyle changes, but the first step is calling a medical professional.


Nausea and Abdominal Pain

While nausea on its own can be a symptom of various conditions, nausea paired with abdominal pain—especially pain that gets worse after eating—should never be ignored. You could be experiencing pancreatitis, which can lead to serious complications if left untreated. A full workup from a doctor is prudent.


Tingling or Numbness in Hands and Feet

Ignoring the tingling or numbness in your hands and feet could be a mistake. This symptom could be pointing to a range of issues, some of them serious. The only way to rule those out is with the help of a doctor. If you’re lucky, the tingling may be the result of a vitamin deficiency, but numbness and tingling are also frequently associated with diabetes and certain kidney conditions, and these symptoms may even be the result of certain types of cancer.


Loss of Libido

Loss of libido affects one in five men and far more women over the course of their lifetime. It can be the result of a range of medical conditions, hormonal shifts, psychological and emotional factors, and relationship problems. Whatever the cause for your lowered sex drive, it merits your attention if it’s affecting your life.


Gait Difficulty and Changes

Changes in your walking habits or abilities can tip doctors off to neurological problems. If you notice an irregular gait pattern or imbalance, you’ll want to consult a doctor for a full neurological screening.


Don’t ignore these symptoms. Your body is trying to tell you something, and it’s important to listen.

Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs of Serious Health Issues

Essential Tremor Might Not Be What You Think

Many people are diagnosed with essential tremor (ET), a nerve disorder that is usually not considered dangerous, according to The Mayo Clinic. However, a 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that 37% of study participants who were diagnosed with ET were actually misdiagnosed and had either Parkinson’s or dystonia. This is why it’s important to not only call a doctor but also seek a second opinion if you experience tremors.


Uneven Posture Could Indicate Scoliosis

According to Neel Anand, a professor of orthopedic surgery and director of spine trauma at Cedars-Sinai Spine Center in Los Angeles, uneven posture, such as uneven shoulders, hips, asymmetry of the back, or your head resting off-center, could be a sign of scoliosis. Scoliosis affects one in 40 people, and anyone at any age is at risk. Treatment is likely necessary if the spinal curvature is more than 25 degrees or if the patient experiences everyday discomfort.


Remember Your A-B-C-D-E’s for Skin Health

Looking for signs of irregularity that indicate melanoma can be difficult if your skin is prone to freckles or benign moles. The CDC recommends remembering your A-B-C-D-E’s: asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolving. Any mole that has a jagged edge or irregularity, an uneven color, is larger than a pea, or is changing is worth getting checked out. And, as a general rule, any noticeable changes to your skin should never be ignored, so consult your doctor for a full screening if you see a suspicious spot suddenly crop up.

Best Life offers the most up-to-date information from top experts, new research, and health agencies, but our content is not meant to be a substitute for professional guidance. If you have specific health questions or concerns, always consult your healthcare provider directly.

Read More From Original Article Here: Never Ignore These 50 Subtle Symptoms

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