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Report: NBC Sole Traditional Network to Cover Gold Star Families Hearing

Only NBC News Covers Emotional Roundtable with Gold Star Families

While the other two traditional news networks ignored it, NBC News ⁣took the initiative to cover Tuesday’s powerful roundtable discussion with the Gold Star family members⁣ who ‍tragically lost their loved ones during President Joe Biden’s chaotic withdrawal ⁣from Afghanistan.

These brave⁢ friends and family members of the 13 fallen service members, who were killed in the devastating suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai ​International Airport in Kabul on August 26, ‌2021, gathered on Capitol⁤ Hill to express their frustrations with the lack of accountability and respect they ‍have witnessed from military leadership and the Biden administration.

According to a report from the Media Research Center, only “NBC Nightly News” dedicated coverage to the Gold Star ‍families and their heartfelt comments. ABC’s “World News Tonight” and the⁢ “CBS Evening News” chose⁣ to ignore the issue entirely.

“This week marks two years since the‍ deadly attack during⁢ the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan,” emphasized​ NBC anchor Lester Holt, as he devoted an entire segment to the roundtable event. “And​ today, Gold Star families who lost loved ones say they​ are still demanding answers.”

In addition,⁤ NBC News correspondent Ryan‍ Nobles⁤ had the opportunity to interview several Gold Star family members, including ‍Herman and Alicia ⁤Lopez, whose⁣ son Hunter Lopez was among the 13 heroes‌ tragically killed in Kabul that day.

“Two years ago,⁢ Herman and Alicia Lopez lost their son Hunter,” shared Nobles.⁤ “[He] was one of 13 U.S.⁤ service members killed during the ISIS bombing near the Abbey Gate at Kabul’s​ airport in Afghanistan. He had plans to join his hometown sheriff’s office.”

“He never got that chance. And all we want is ‌for people to give us the truth about what happened and be honest with us,” expressed Hunter’s ⁢grieving mother.

During the discussion, many of the attending family members were ⁤ highly ⁣critical of the Biden administration, including President⁣ Biden himself. They highlighted the lack of accountability from military leadership and the repeated failure of⁤ Biden to even acknowledge their loved ones by name.

“There ⁢couldn’t be anything more disgusting and cowardly ‍than the way you have treated us. You ⁢are a disgrace‌ to this nation. You have no business having ultimate command over our military, and⁣ I ‍regret not saying that to‍ your face when I had the opportunity in Dover,” passionately expressed Mark Schmitz, father of the late‌ Lance CPL⁤ Jared Schmitz.

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