Nancy Pelosi slams GOP as Trump’s puppets: ‘You seem unhappy’

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Shreds Republican Lawmakers on the House Floor

During a fiery debate on the House floor, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) unleashed a scathing attack on Republican lawmakers, accusing them of being controlled by former President Donald Trump and looking “miserable.”

“Today we are on the floor of the House, where the other side has turned this chamber ― where slavery was abolished, where Medicare and Social Security and everything were instituted ― they’ve turned it into a puppet show,” Pelosi passionately declared. “And you know what? The puppeteer, Donald Trump, is shining a light on the strings. You look miserable.”

Pelosi didn’t hold back in mocking Republicans who were attempting to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his claims of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

But Pelosi didn’t stop there. She also criticized conservative lawmakers for wasting time on these censure efforts instead of focusing on undoing Democratic successes.

“Instead of reversing what we did on the [Inflation Reduction Act] to save the planet or reversing what we did to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, you’re wasting time,” Pelosi exclaimed.

The House recently voted to censure Schiff, marking the second time this month that Republicans have sought to censure him over the collusion claims. Although censures themselves do not have any direct consequences, they serve as a public display of disapproval towards a lawmaker’s actions.

For Schiff, the censure vote could potentially harm his reputation as he runs for the Senate.

It’s clear that tensions are running high in the House, with Pelosi’s passionate speech shedding light on the deep divisions between Democrats and Republicans.

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