
Mtg: Americans should be paying for peace, not war

The One America News Network (OAN) Room
UPDATED 11:25 PM – Monday, March 20, 2023

House Republicans have gathered in Orlando for their annual policy retreat, where Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke, as reported by One America’s Neil W. McCabe who was on the ground in Orlando.

This week has been busy for the 45th President of the US, with visits to Iowa and reports of a possible indictment. One America’s Daniel Baldwin has provided a recap of the events.

Featuring Michael Seifert.

Featuring Kalen D’Almeida.

Following concerns of possible interference, officials preparing for Russia’s 2024 presidential election have been instructed to cease the use of Apple iPhones by the Kremlin.

Baidu’s Ernie bot can create images of flowers and poems in the Tang dynasty style within seconds according to Beijing Reuters’ Eduardo Baptista.

The Biden administration has demanded that TikTok’s Chinese owners withdraw their stakes from the app popular among users or face potential consequences.

Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission will oversee the regulation of cryptocurrencies within the country according to the head of the commission via Reuters’ article.

‘From “Mtg: Americans should be paying for peace, not war”

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