The federalist

April saw more suspected terrorists illegally crossing the southern border than in Trump’s entire presidency.

Border Patrol Agents Catch 16 People on FBI Terror Watch List at US Southwest Land Border

In April, Border Patrol agents caught 16 people on the FBI’s terror watch list trying to illegally cross the U.S. southwest land border between entry ports, bringing this fiscal year’s suspected terrorist arrest total up to nearly 100. This is a significant increase compared to the combined arrest totals from fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the number of suspected terrorists arrested in April alone was five times the three watch list apprehensions listed for all of FY 2019 and FY 2020. This is a concerning trend that needs to be addressed.

“These reported arrests raise serious questions about the security of our Southwest border and the potential for terrorists to take advantage of the glaring vulnerabilities due to the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies,” the Republicans wrote.

Despite the Biden administration and corporate media’s attempts to downplay the ongoing border crisis, internal alarm over the escalating number of terror watch list members caught entering the U.S. prompted CBP in April of 2022 to create an “Enforcement Statistics” page detailing all of its agents’ “Terrorist Screening Data Set Encounters.”

As Todd Bensman, the Center for Immigration Studies’ Texas-based senior national security fellow, writes, “remember that not all terrorism-linked ‘special interest aliens’ coming from nations of national security concern get as far as nomination and approval for the FBI terrorism watch list, which involves a lengthy, multi-tiered process.”

The Importance of Addressing the Border Crisis

While the number of suspected terrorists captured by border agents may be small compared to the number of illegal border crossers, it is still important. The FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center notes that everyone listed on the watchlist is “reasonably suspected to be involved in terrorism (or related activities)” and most “are not Americans.”

Because these people “have no known connection to the U.S.,” their increased presence at the southwest and northern borders of the nation, where overwhelmed border agents struggle to keep up with the years-long influx of migrants, is suspect.

What Needs to Be Done

Republicans on the House Committee on Homeland Security sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray in late May demanding information about suspected terrorists, specifically an Afghan national and a Pakistani national, who were caught trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in May.

“These reported arrests raise serious questions about the security of our Southwest border and the potential for terrorists to take advantage of the glaring vulnerabilities due to the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies,” the Republicans wrote.

It is crucial that the government takes action to address the border crisis and prevent potential national security threats from entering the country.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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