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‘Moment Frozen In Time’: Researchers Discover ‘Magnificently Preserved’ Lake Huron Shipwreck With Lifeboat Still Attached

Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary found a schooner boat barge with its attached lifeboat that was 128 years old, which went down in Lake Huron. Announcement Wednesday.

The Ironton, a 191-foot long ship weighing 772 tonnes, collided and crashed to the bottom of the third largest Great Lake on September 26, 1894. Seven crew members fled to safety after the collision of the wooden freighter and the ship. Despite all the chaos the Ironton line connecting the lifeboat to it, was still untied. Two crew members survived to the rescue.

Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary superintendent Jeff Gray said that archaeologists were important. “study things to learn more about the past.” Submitted The Associated Press. It’s more than just the things we study. It’s also people. The lifeboat… connects with the site, reminding of the power of the lakes and the pain it was to lose people to them.

The ship was discovered by teams from the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary & Ocean Exploration Trust in 2019. However, the announcement was delayed for Wednesday to allow more research into the area to confirm that it was indeed the Ironton.

The Charles J. Kershaw was a steam-powered vessel that was towing the Ironton and the Moonlight schooner. According to the Associated Press, steam-powered ships were used in those days similar to a train engine pulling freight trains. Notes. The ships left Ashtabula, Ohio on Lake Erie and headed towards Marquette, Michigan on Lake Superior.

According to a National Marine Sanctuaries press release on September 26, 1894, at 12:30 AM on Lake Huron, the Kershaw motor failed. The Kershaw engine failed, causing sailors on the schooners to disconnect their towlines to avoid collision and entanglement. The ships drifted The Ironton was shattered, and the Ohio steamer was heading south. They collided head-on.

Both ships sustained damage and Ohio quickly sank. All 16 crewmembers were able to board lifeboats and rescue them. According to the press release from the Ironton, it drifted for approximately an hour before being seen by rescue boats. The seven-man Ironton crew boarded a lifeboat but failed to tie the towlines. Two men were killed in this accident. The Duluth News Tribune was informed by one of them the following day.

“Then, the Ironton I sank and took the yawl along with her. The painter was not tied so I went underwater and grabbed a bag for a sailor. Wooley was just a few feet away on a box. “William W. Parry shared the following with the paper: “I swam towards his place,”


According to the press release, Ironton has been “magnificently preserved” The ship was submerged in the cold water of Lake Huron, hundreds of feet below its surface. The ship Rests All three masts can be seen standing straight up. An anchor is at the bow. The stern is where you will find the lifeboat.

Gray stated: “It is difficult to call it shipwreck.” Submitted The New York Times. It is a ship on the bottom that is completely intact. The lifeboat literally represents a frozen moment in time.

The wreckage of Ohio was discovered in 2017 under 300 feet of water. The area was mapped by researchers using its location and conditions at that time. Sonar imaging was used to locate the ship. It was later confirmed to be the Ironton.

Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary is planning to install a deep water buoy to mark where the wreck is. This will make it possible for future divers to explore this beautifully preserved ship.

From ahref=””>‘Moment Frozen In Time’: Researchers Discover ‘Magnificently Preserved’ Lake Huron Shipwreck With Lifeboat Still Attached

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