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“Mockery of Democracy” – Trump Blasts Jan 6 Committee After They Recommend Charges of “Insurrection” and “Obstruction”

On Monday, the January 6 Committee voted to recommend the DOJ pursue criminal charges against former President Donald Trump.

According to Fox News, “The first referral recommended by the committee is for Trump’s obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress. The committee will also refer Trump to DOJ for conspiracy to defraud the federal government, making a false statement, and inciting, assisting, or aiding and comforting an insurrection.”

The Trump campaign released a statement via email to media that read, “The January 6th un-Select Committee held show trials by Never Trump partisans who are a stain on this country’s history. This Kangaroo court has been nothing more than a vanity project that insults Americans’ intelligence and makes a mockery of our democracy.”

On January 6, Trump gave a speech at his “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, DC. A group of protesters left the Trump rally and entered the Capitol building in an incident that left veteran and mother Ashli Babbit, who was unarmed, shot and killed by Capitol Police officer Lt. Michael Byrd.

The Democrat-led committee is expected to release a final report on its proceedings on Wednesday.

According to Reuters, Representative Jamie Raskin said, “We’re focused on key players. And we’re focused on key players where there is sufficient evidence or abundant evidence that they committed.”

Trump’s response, which came from Brette Powell of Trump’s Campaign External Affairs Team, called the committee a “This partisan vanity project” which was “gaslighting” the American public and attached a fact sheet regarding the committee.

Some of the facts Trump’s team disseminated included that officials at the House and Senate refused Trump’s offer to have the National Guard present on January 6.

The Trump team also wrote, “Chris Wray Refuses to Investigate the Extensive Presence of FBI Informants During the Riot at the Capitol,” in reference to reports that the FBI had informants planted in the crowd on January 6.

“According to court documents, the FBI had at least eight informants within the Proud Boys in the months surrounding January 6,” the statement read.

The GOP is set to take control of the House of Representatives in the next session beginning in January and has said they will dissolve the committee.

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