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MLB pitcher defends hunting photo with son: ‘Teaching him vital life lesson’

MLB Pitcher⁣ Fires​ Back ‌at⁤ Critics of Hunting Photo‌ with Son: ‘I Am Teaching Him a Very Important Life Lesson’

Over the ⁢weekend, hunting enthusiast and Toronto Blue Jays relief pitcher Erik Swanson caused ⁤a stir on social media when he posted a ⁣photo of himself with his young son surrounded by a ⁣line of⁣ dead Canada geese. As expected, ‍woke⁤ liberals⁤ expressed their disapproval, but Swanson remained undeterred by their outrage.

In a lengthy post on Monday, ⁣the 30-year-old pitcher defended his actions, stating, “I‍ am teaching him a ⁤very important life ⁣lesson.” The controversy began when⁢ Swanson shared the photo ​of his goose⁤ haul in⁤ Roseau, Minnesota, on Instagram, captioning ‍it, “Starting the off-season outdoors!”

Instagram ​content here

Following Swanson’s post,⁣ Toronto-focused news and culture site “blogTO” added fuel to the fire of woke indignation with a snarky ⁢headline: ⁢”Toronto Blue Jays pitcher poses with pile of dead Canada‍ geese he shot with his kid.”

While some users expressed their objections in the comments ⁣section,‌ many others showed support for Swanson. However, he⁣ remained firm in his stance,⁣ stating, “I am an avid hunter/fisherman and I will always be. For the people who are asking me why I have my son with me, I am teaching him a very important life lesson… the beef, venison, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables all come from somewhere, not just the grocery store.”

Objections⁣ to hunting often lack logical reasoning. Throughout history, humans have relied on hunting and consuming⁣ animals for survival. It is only modern ​liberals who seem to‍ believe that their food magically appears on their doorstep.

Furthermore, the outrage against‌ Swanson’s photo seems to stem from a broader aversion to anything involving children and guns. This is reminiscent of the gasp that filled a Los Angeles movie theater when Mel Gibson’s character armed his young⁢ sons in the film “The Patriot.”

It is clear that ‍liberals’ objections to ​Swanson’s hunting photo are rooted in their disdain for guns rather than genuine concern for ‍children. Their outrage is nothing more than a modern version of the gasp heard in that screening room.

Do you hunt?

Do⁤ you hunt?

It is important ​to note that objections to hunting have little basis and fail to⁣ recognize the ⁢historical ⁢and ​practical significance⁢ of hunting in human survival. Rather than⁢ condemning Swanson, we should acknowledge the valuable life lessons he ​is imparting to his son.

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The post⁢ MLB Pitcher Fires Back at Critics of Hunting Photo with Son: ‘I Am Teaching Him a Very Important Life Lesson’ appeared first on The‍ Western Journal.

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Erik Swanson, ​a relief pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays and an avid hunter,‌ recently found himself⁣ at ⁣the center of controversy ‌after ⁤sharing ⁤a hunting photo on social media. Swanson, ​who was with his ⁤young son, was met⁤ with criticism from woke liberals who⁤ expressed their disapproval of​ the activity.⁢ However,⁢ Swanson stood by his actions, stating that ‍he was teaching his ‍son a valuable life lesson.

The photo in question depicted Swanson and his son with a line of dead Canada geese, a result of their successful hunting trip in Roseau, ⁤Minnesota. Swanson captioned the photo with “Starting the off-season outdoors!”⁣ which‍ sparked the initial outrage.

The backlash intensified ⁤when popular Toronto-focused news and culture site “blogTO”⁤ shared the photo with the snarky headline: “Toronto Blue Jays pitcher⁢ poses ​with pile of dead Canada geese ⁤he shot with his kid.” This⁣ only added fuel to the fire⁢ of woke indignation, ⁢but it also garnered support from ‌many ‌who understood the importance of ⁤hunting as a means of sustenance ‍and bonding with nature.

Despite the criticism, Swanson remained resolute in his stance and addressed the issue in a thoughtful post.⁤ He explained that he was an avid hunter​ and fisherman, and he believed⁣ in teaching his son about where their ⁤food‍ comes from. Swanson emphasized that meat, poultry, fish, and ⁤even fruits and vegetables have ​origins outside ‍the⁤ grocery store, and hunting is a valuable way to ‍instill that understanding.

The objections to hunting often lack logical reasoning, as throughout history, hunting and consuming ⁤animals have been essential for human survival. It is only in modern times ‍that such activities ⁢have come under scrutiny from certain segments of society.

Furthermore, the outrage directed at ‌Swanson’s photo appears to be rooted in a broader ​aversion to the ⁤combination of children ⁤and guns.⁣ This resembles the shock that occurred in a Los Angeles movie theater when Mel Gibson’s‌ character⁤ armed his young sons in the film “The Patriot.” It‍ is evident that the objections are not‌ genuinely concerned for the safety of children ⁢but rather a disdain for firearms.

Ultimately,⁣ Swanson’s hunting photo controversy serves as a reflection ​of the ​ongoing divide between​ those who understand and appreciate hunting as ⁤a way⁤ of⁣ life and those who are disconnected from the origins of their ⁢food. It highlights the importance of‍ teaching the next generation⁣ about ‌the value of nature,⁢ self-sustainability, and the responsible use of firearms.

Do you hunt?

Do you hunt?

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