The bongino report

MN Senate Dems add pro-pedophile language to safety bill.

Minnesota Democrats Attempt to Protect Pedophiles as a “Protected Class”

The Backstory

A while back, I wrote about how the Democrats in Minnesota, led by Representative Leigh Finke, were attempting to strip language that prevented pedophiles from being recognized as a protected class under Minnesota’s Human Rights laws. The public reaction was swift and devastating, and I take a bit of credit for that as I was the first to write about it.

The Democrats were forced to amend their bill and did so unanimously, reclassifying pedophilia as specifically not a protected sexual orientation. It was a tremendous victory. However, it was also temporary.

The Current Situation

The Minnesota Senate included the original language put forth by Finke, fully rejecting the House’s unanimous decision to maintain the state’s rejection of pedophilia (or in modern parlance, “minor attraction”), and is once again allowing minor-attracted people to get protection as a protected class based on their sexual orientation.

As I noted before, and will repeat here, the language does not legalize pedophilia. If you practice pedophilia and are caught, you can still be prosecuted. However, if you are discriminated against due to your avowed attraction to minors, you may have cause to sue.

The law does not SAY pedophiles are a protected class, but pedophilia is classified as a “paraphilia” and hence a sexual orientation. Human Rights law makes sexual orientation a protected category. That’s a long way of saying that pedophiles become a protected class, because, well, they do. That is why the original language exists in the law, to ensure that people can express their disgust with pedophilia without facing legal consequences.

The Democrats’ Claims

The changes to the law are not benign, as the Democrats claim. If they did what Democrats claim then they wouldn’t need to change the law. Their bizarre claim that they must, despite universal opposition as expressed by a unanimous vote in the House of Representatives, remove language banning pedophilia as protected by Human Rights Law, is ridiculous. If there would be no change in the law, they need not change the law. They insist they must remove “outdated” language.

Democrats consider biological sex outdated. They consider opposition to child drag shows–drags show not just FOR children, but BY children for adults–to be outdated. And, it has been made very clear by a number of psychiatrists and academics, they consider sanctions against people for horrendous sexual attraction to children to be outdated.

They aren’t “pedophiles.” They are “Minor Attracted People.” This is exactly what the left does. They make a move. They get pushback. They lie and say they aren’t doing it. Then they do it again. Think gas stoves. This is how it always works. A year or two ago we were told gender surgeries on minors were a myth. Now they are a medical necessity, you bigot. It is always thus.


The protection of pedophiles as a “protected class” is a dangerous and concerning development. It is important to continue to speak out against this and ensure that the rights and safety of children are protected.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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