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Michael Reagan: Biden Told My Dad He Would Leak Covert Info

President Ronald Reagan’s son Michael has revealed that when Joe Biden was a senator during Reagan’s terms as president, he warned him that he would leak any covert action Reagan had planned.

Biden’s opposition to Reagan covered many fronts, from foreign policy to the judicial branch of government.

“After my father was out of office he shared with me that Sen Joe Biden confronted him and told him if he disagreed with my father on a Covert action he had planned he would leak it to the media to stop it,” Michael Reagan observed.

My father died while I was away. He told me that Sen Joe Biden had confronted him about a Covert operation he had been planning and said that if he didn’t agree with him, he would release it to the media.

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) January 23, 2023

Reagan’s most famous speech was on June 12, 1987. He referred to the Berlin Wall, and insisted that Mikhail Gorbachev be listened to. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Reagan arrived three days later wrote in his diary Biden claimed that he was a demagogue. “[There was] some talk about Sen. Biden — now candidate for Pres. I saw him on CNN last night speaking to the John F. Kennedy school at Harvard U. He’s smooth but pure demagog[ue] — out to save Am[erica] from the Reagan doctrine.”

Biden harshly opposed Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed “Star Wars,” It was an attempt to create a space-based missile defence program that could protect the country against large-scale nuclear attacks. “Privately, Reagan was quite adamant that the goal of U.S. defense research should be to eliminate the need for nuclear weapons, which he thought were fundamentally immoral,” The State Department noted.

1993. The Soviet Politburo heard from the general responsible for the department of strategy analysis at the Soviet Ministry of Defense. “Not only could we not defeat SDI, SDI defeated all our possible countermeasures.”

Biden slammed SDI’s funding, saying, “The president’s continued adherence to [SDI] constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.”

Biden was the Senate Judiciary Committee’s top ranking member in 1986 when Reagan Reagan appointed William Rehnquist as chief justice of Supreme Court. Reagan wrote in his diary Biden and Ted Kennedy and Howard Metzenbaum (leftist senators) were also present at the meeting. “The 1st meeting was last evening—highlighted by vitriolic attacks on TV by Sens. Kennedy, Metzenbaum & Biden. They really are a lynch mob.”

Biden had been elected chairman of the Judiciary Committee by 1987. Reagan appointed Robert Bork, a brilliant conservative jurist, to the Supreme Court. Biden’s partisan treatment of Bork was so brutal that even The Washington Post wrote His “swinging reflexively to the other side of the question at the first hint of pressure, claiming the leadership of the opposition, doesn’t do a whole lot of the senator’s claim to be fir for higher office.” The Post also reported that Biden was alive “already cast himself in the role of the prosecutor instead of a juror …”

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