Miami Herald Botches Another Anti-DeSantis Hit Piece

While it’s naive to assume the mainstream media will cover conservatives fairly, legacy outlets continue to defy reason and reach new lows in their desperate attempts to smear conservatives over what is, more often than not, complete bunk. 

Such is the sorry state of The Miami Herald, a newspaper that fired up its presses in 1903 and since then has more than 20 Pulitzers to its credit. In recent years, however, The Miami Herald has spiraled into a meme of its former self with desperately bad coverage that’s often targeted at Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis. They apparently failed to read the recently signed parental rights bill and instead depicted the law in their coverage of the legislation’s path to passage, and now they’ve really proven they can no longer be taken seriously. 

“DeSantis calls out ‘fake news,’ but his campaign used fake news site to raise cash,” reads an April 5th story published by The Miami Herald. 

Quite the gotcha? Let’s read what author Ben Wieder — described as “a data and investigative reporter in McClatchy’s Washington bureau” on The Herald’s website unearthed in this hard-hitting report:

In messages to supporters, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis isn’t shy about labeling “fake news media” the enemy.

No lies detected so far. The media have been ruthless to DeSantis for his leadership in one minute while applauding Democrats for doing the same thing in the next. And he’s right to call them out for their partisan hackery.

But when it comes to raising money for his reelection bid, the Republican governor’s campaign and an associated political committee have sought help from a satire website with the tagline “Fake news you can trust.”

Wait a minute, Ben. A satire website? That’s not the same as fake news. And that slogan sounds familiar…

The governor’s campaign committee as well as the associated Friends of Ron DeSantis political action committee paid the conservative-leaning satire website The Babylon Bee a combined $15,000 last year for services related to online fundraising, according to state campaign finance records.

…because it’s the tagline of The Babylon Bee. Really, Ben? This is what “investigative” reporting has become in the mainstream media world?

Yup, The Miami Herald thought this “story” from Benny Weirdo was worth publishing. This is just another of the fake news crew’s pathetic attempts at attacking Governor DeSantis for…hypocrisy? Because a person can’t call out fake news — as this laughable article proves The Herald to be — and also engage with a satire website? These unserious people deserve whatever DeSantis can call them and then some.

Maybe if The Miami Herald spent more time reading pending legislation in Florida or focused on accurate coverage and less time publishing literal fake news in the form of botched hit pieces, they would have a leg to stand on in calling out other *satire* sites or Governor DeSantis. But that is, of course, too much to hope for.

As only she can, Christina Pushaw cut to the heart of the issue

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