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Megyn Kelly reveals vaccine injury regret after COVID shot.

Megyn Kelly, a veteran ⁣journalist and ‍podcaster, made a shocking revelation ​on Wednesday. She expressed deep‌ regret for getting the COVID-19 ⁤vaccine, believing that she⁣ has suffered‌ a vaccine injury.

During​ a recent episode⁣ of her podcast ​”The Megyn Kelly Show,” Ms. Kelly ​shared her remorse⁣ for getting vaccinated and boosted, stating that she didn’t ⁣think it was‍ necessary. She ‍even consulted a doctor who suggested that her autoimmune condition, which developed after receiving the shot, might be ‍linked to the vaccine.

“I regret getting the ⁤vaccine even ​though I’m a⁢ 52-year-old woman because I don’t think I​ needed it,” Ms. Kelly ⁢confessed.

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“I think I would have been fine. ‌I had got COVID many times,⁣ and it was well past ⁤when the vaccine was doing what it was ⁤supposed to be doing,” she added.

Ms. Kelly ‌further​ revealed that she tested positive for an autoimmune issue after ⁤receiving the vaccine and sought the ‌opinion of​ a ⁣top rheumatologist in ‌New ⁣York. The doctor confirmed that the vaccine and subsequent COVID infection ​could be ‌connected, citing similar cases ​she‍ had seen.

Interestingly, this⁣ regret contradicts ‍Ms. Kelly’s previous statement in April 2021, where⁢ she expressed ⁢”zero qualms” about getting the shot.

Vaccine Side Effects‌ in Spotlight

Recent reports have linked spike protein-based COVID-19 vaccines to various side effects, including skin problems, tinnitus, visual impairments, blood ‌clotting, and even death.

Studies have also shown that vaccinated children may experience reduced ⁤immune responses to other infections, ⁤making them more susceptible ‍to illness when exposed⁣ to other pathogens.

Additionally, a study published in Circulation revealed that some children who ⁣developed ⁤heart inflammation ‌after COVID-19 vaccination had lasting ‍heart⁣ scarring.

Despite these risks, the Centers for​ Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to ⁤recommend COVID-19 vaccination ⁢for people of all ages.

Disturbingly, documents have ‍emerged suggesting⁢ that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ‌and‍ the CDC concealed⁤ data showing‌ a spike in COVID-19⁤ cases among the unvaccinated.

In‍ a recent conversation‌ with Tudor Dixon on her podcast, former‍ President Donald ⁤Trump emphasized the importance of pharmaceutical companies⁣ being transparent about​ vaccine side effects. He‌ urged them to ‌disclose ⁤all relevant data to the public.

President Trump acknowledged the concerns raised about adverse events such as heart inflammation ‍and blood clots, stating that the‌ research behind these issues should be ⁤made ⁤public.

He stressed that withholding information on⁣ vaccine injuries would⁢ be dishonest and‌ detrimental. President⁢ Trump expressed​ his support for those ​who have suffered vaccine injuries⁤ and called​ for accountability from pharmaceutical companies.

Meanwhile, ‌the FDA has faced⁣ scrutiny for delaying ⁢the release​ of COVID-19 vaccine ⁤trial data.

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