the federalist

Meet The ‘Really Very Crunchy’ Mom Who Turned Her Holistic Life Into Viral, Educational Comedy

Emily Morrow might seem like a normal person, but if you take a look at her thrifted clothes, it’s not. The iconic bottle of homemade Kombucha confirms she’s certainly not mainstream.

“I would describe myself as a very regular mom. I guess not like a mainstream mom, though,” Morrow spoke to The Federalist. “I just have an interest in holistic living and I’m also a very sarcastic person, so I can see the humor in the choices that I make.”

Morrow is one of the most popular holistic social media accounts, @reallyverycrunchy. Her humor-filled spin on the natural lifestyle she embraces earned her more than 1 million followers across TikTok and Instagram since the accounts’ creation in 2022.

“It just feels hilarious and surreal because I am the most awkward person ever and also the most average mom. Just a mom just making fun of her life,” Morrow spoke.

Corporate media accuse Morrow of being a viral advocate for natural living “radicalizing” Helping vulnerable parents dangerous, “anti-science” information. Morrow and other influencers want everyone to be able to think for themselves and have fun.

She is not the quirkily dressed woman she portrays on her website. But underneath her quirky façade, there is a woman who inspires her followers to think for their own sake, assess what they put in their bodies and prioritize their time with their families.

“It should never be about somebody making the wrong choice. Just about you making the right choice for your family,” Morrow spoke.

Crunch 101

The crunchy lifestyle was discovered by the Morrows in their quest to save money on food. The Morrows were living in an RV at the time and trying to figure out how to maximize nutrients while still keeping their grocery bills low.

“I read somewhere that if you only buy processed foods that have five ingredients or less, then it cuts out a lot of the stuff that you eat. Really, that was more of like a money-saving thing for me than a healthy eating thing. But it made me start looking at ingredients, which sparked my interest in, ‘Why are there so many crazy ingredients in the food I’m eating? What is this?’” Morrow spoke.

They had children when the Morrows had them. “had to make decisions for,” The couple decided to live a holistic and fulfilled life.

In late 2021, the Morrows realized Emily’s passion for healthy living and Jason’s interest in content creation could be harnessed to create online humor. The couple went to work writing, filming, and producing videos exaggerating and mocking Morrow’s affinity for eating Vegetables taken off the vine, toad husbandryShare the Breastmilk has healing properties.

The Morrows started with a Small Ziel: In 2022, make and publish one satirical film every day.

“By our eighth video, the one about crunchy mom at a birthday party, that one went viral, and then it kind of went crazy from there,” Jason said.

Parodies “mouth tape” “store-bought bone broth” It may be niche, but thousands of users have shown that it is not.

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