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Mayor Pete solves masculinity, named Media’s Worst of the Week.

Welcome to the Washington Free Beacon’s Worst of the Week

Get ready for a Saturday showcase of the media’s most cringeworthy, absurd, and infuriating coverage. We’ve scoured the internet to bring you the worst of the worst, and this week’s contenders did not disappoint. Here are the top four:

Wired’s Bizarre Puff Piece about Pete Buttigieg

Wired’s article about Pete Buttigieg is so cringeworthy, it’s almost painful to read. The writer’s political bias is not so subtle, and the article is filled with strange, nonsensical ramblings about Buttigieg’s supposed genius. The headline alone is enough to make you roll your eyes: “Pete Buttigieg Loves God, Beer, and His Electric Mustang: Sure, the US secretary of transportation has thoughts on building bridges. But infrastructure occupies just a sliver of his voluminous mind.”

New York Times on DEI for White Guys

The New York Times has some breaking news: not everyone likes being berated at work for unconsciously upholding the white cis-patriarchy. So, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion industry has rebranded. DEI is now DEI-B, and the “B” means belonging. But not everyone’s a “B”-liever. The article highlights the flaws in this new approach and how it allows companies to avoid the tough conversations about power and resistance.

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition’s Octogenarian Cover Model

It’s 2023, and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition is no longer just about red-blooded American males. This year’s cover models include 81-year-old lifestyle mogul and hardened ex-con Martha Stewart, German transgender pop star Kim Petras, and Machine Gun Kelly groupie Megan Fox. It’s a refreshing change from the usual cookie-cutter models, but it’s safe to say that this edition won’t be gracing the walls of teenage boys’ bedrooms anytime soon.

NBC Celebrates Teacher Giving Porn to Kids

NBC News celebrates a middle school teacher who gave her students a bestselling LGBTQ-themed book, despite the fact that it contained sexually explicit images and instructions on how to find sexual partners online. The article paints the teacher as a social justice martyr, but fails to mention the concerns of parents who filed a police report over her book choice.

That’s it for this week’s Worst of the Week. Have a contender for next time? Send it to [email protected].

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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