Washington Examiner

McCaul criticizes Tuberville’s ‘crippling’ military blockade: ‘Threat to national security’

House Foreign Affairs Chairman Condemns Senator’s Blockade on ⁤Military Nominations

House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael ​McCaul (R-TX) has strongly criticized Senator ​Tommy Tuberville’s​ (R-AL) actions, referring to them as “paralyzing” and a “national security problem.” McCaul’s condemnation sheds ⁣light on the ​growing ​concern in Washington regarding the readiness of⁤ the military,⁢ as numerous officers remain ​in limbo.

Republican Defense Leader Voices Concern

“This is paralyzing ⁣the Department of Defense,” McCaul expressed during an interview on CNN’s State ​of the Union. ⁣He‌ further emphasized,⁤ “The idea⁤ that one man in the ⁣Senate can hold this up for months… I⁢ understand⁣ maybe promotions, but nominations is paralyzing the Department of Defense. I think ⁢that is a national security problem.”

For months, Tuberville has been demanding ⁣a reversal of‍ the Pentagon’s policy that uses government funds to reimburse travel expenses for female service members seeking ⁢an ​abortion. Due to the rules of the upper chamber,⁢ the Republican senator possesses the power to withhold approval for military nominations and promotions. Despite facing significant opposition, Tuberville has remained ⁣steadfast in⁤ his stance.

Tuberville‍ firmly believes he holds ‌the moral high ground and argues ‍that the Pentagon’s policy ⁣is⁣ illegal. He has garnered support from lawmakers and veterans, highlighting their backing. Additionally,⁢ he claims that the Senate can address nominations and promotions individually. However, Democrats have criticized this approach as unrealistic, considering the considerable time it would⁣ require.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Senate Majority Leader Chuck ‌Schumer, and others have strongly criticized⁤ Tuberville’s actions. Austin, in particular, has refused to yield, asserting that women should not be ​penalized by the​ abortion policy of the ⁣state where they reside, ⁤as they have no control over their stationing.

Democrats have appealed to Senate ⁢Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to intervene and rein in Tuberville. However,⁢ McConnell’s disapproval has ​been limited, stating that ⁣he does not support the Alabama‌ senator’s blockade.

McCaul’s⁢ comments carry significant weight, as ​public opposition from Republicans‍ to ‍Tuberville’s stance ​has been minimal. ‍”I⁢ really wish he would ​reconsider⁢ this because we’re working this issue out in the National Defense Authorization. ⁣We worked ⁢it out in the House side, ‍we’re going to conference in the Senate, we’re going to ⁢work out this abortion issue that has been a⁤ tradition within​ the NDAA, but⁢ to hold up the top brass from being ‍promoted, and⁤ lower brass, I think is paralyzing‌ our​ Department of ⁣Defense,” McCaul expressed.

However, those expecting Tuberville to swiftly change his‌ course ‍may be⁤ mistaken. Steven ​Stafford, a‍ spokesman for Tuberville, dismissed⁣ McCaul’s comments as “inaccurate.” Stafford ⁢argued, “No one can stop [Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer from ‌holding‍ votes ​on these nominations. He just‌ doesn’t want to,” referring to Schumer’s ability‍ to call votes on nominations ‍individually. Stafford also claimed that acting officials currently occupy ⁤the ‌roles,⁤ some of ⁢whom are nominees for ⁤permanent positions. According to Stafford, no positions are currently vacant or left unattended.

Typically, ​Department of⁣ Defense nominees requiring Senate ⁢confirmation⁤ are approved ⁣in batches, usually without objection, to avoid prolonged processes. While Tuberville lacks the power⁣ to permanently block these ​nominees, ‌he can significantly⁤ delay their confirmations. The first-term senator‍ has‍ vowed to​ persist in his ⁤efforts ​until ​the Pentagon reverses⁤ its ‌policy.


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