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McCarthy denies Zelenskyy’s Congress address plea.

House Speaker⁤ Denies Ukrainian President’s Request to Address Congress

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced‍ on Thursday that he rejected ⁢a request from Ukrainian President ‍Volodymyr Zelenskyy‍ to address Congress. This⁣ decision comes as some members​ of McCarthy’s caucus express‍ concerns about continuing to send billions of dollars in​ aid to Ukraine ⁣while it remains at war with Russia.

Zelenskyy, who recently spoke at⁢ the⁤ United Nations, is currently in Washington to meet with ‍President Joe Biden⁤ and lawmakers. ‍McCarthy⁢ explained that ‌Zelenskyy had already‌ given a joint session ​address during his previous ‌visit to the United States in December.

McCarthy assured reporters that Zelenskyy⁤ would still have⁣ the opportunity to meet with a bipartisan group of members,⁢ similar⁢ to⁢ how other ‍world leaders have been received. However, ⁤the denial of ⁤a joint session was due to the House’s⁢ focus on resolving the impasse over funding the federal ⁢government before the Sept. 30 deadline.

Reports ‍indicate that Zelenskyy has⁢ already met ​with⁣ top congressional leaders, ⁣including Senate Minority Leader‌ Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and ⁤Senate Majority Leader⁤ Chuck ⁢Schumer (D-N.Y.).⁣ Some GOP members have expressed ⁤opposition‍ to further ​military aid for⁣ Ukraine, demanding more ⁢transparency in how the funds are distributed.

Prior ‍to ⁣their meeting, McCarthy questioned⁢ Zelenskyy about his strategy to win the war with Russia⁣ and‍ ensure accountability in the ​use ‌of resources. ‌McCarthy emphasized the American⁣ public’s desire for answers.

Going a step further,‍ McCarthy told ABC News, “I don’t think I have to ​commit anything and I⁤ think I have questions⁢ for him,” adding, “Where’s the accountability on the money we’ve‌ already spent? What is the plan for victory? I think that’s what the American public ‍wants​ to know.”
During the meeting with lawmakers,⁢ Zelenskyy acknowledged the challenges of overcoming entrenched defenses ⁣and expressed confidence in making slow but steady progress. The Ukrainian president will also​ visit the⁢ Pentagon and meet with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C) attends the 78th‍ United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters​ in New York City on Sept. 19, 2023. (Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images)

Representative Mike Turner (R-Ohio), chairman ⁢of the House ⁤Select‌ Intelligence Committee, praised Zelenskyy’s positive⁤ outlook and⁤ long-term⁣ goals ​in the​ offensive against‍ Russia. The White ⁤House has requested an additional $24⁢ billion in ⁣aid for Ukraine, which has received support from congressional Democrats and McConnell.

Aid for⁢ Ukraine

During his previous visit to Washington, Zelenskyy secured $50‌ billion in aid and appealed to Congress for​ more assistance. The latest request from the White ⁢House ⁤seeks $24 billion in security,⁣ economic,⁤ and humanitarian aid. Zelenskyy ‍expressed confidence in receiving the requested aid, emphasizing the importance of not ​engaging in a war of attrition⁤ with Russia.

President Biden, in his speech at the United Nations, called on world leaders to support ⁢Ukraine’s military efforts against Russia and defend ⁣its sovereignty. The meeting between Biden⁤ and ⁣Zelenskyy at ⁢the White House is scheduled‍ for Thursday afternoon.

⁢ What concerns do some members of House Speaker Kevin ⁣McCarthy’s caucus have about‍ continuing to send aid ⁢to Ukraine while⁣ it remains at war with Russia?

House Speaker Denies ​Ukrainian President’s Request to Address Congress

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has announced⁣ that ‌he has rejected ‍a request from Ukrainian President Volodymyr⁤ Zelenskyy to address Congress. This decision comes as‌ some members of McCarthy’s caucus express concerns about continuing to⁢ send billions of ‌dollars in aid to Ukraine while it remains at war ​with Russia.

Zelenskyy, who recently spoke at the ‌United ‍Nations,⁢ is currently in Washington to meet⁣ with President Joe Biden and lawmakers. McCarthy explained that Zelenskyy had already given​ a joint session address during his previous⁣ visit to the United States in December.

McCarthy assured reporters that⁢ Zelenskyy would still have the opportunity ⁣to meet with​ a bipartisan group of members, similar ‍to how other world leaders have been received. ⁣However, ⁤the ​denial of⁣ a joint session was due to the​ House’s focus on⁢ resolving the impasse⁢ over funding‌ the federal government before the Sept. 30 deadline.

Reports⁤ indicate that Zelenskyy has already met with ‍top congressional leaders, ​including⁣ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Some‍ GOP members have expressed opposition to further military aid for Ukraine, demanding more transparency in how the⁢ funds ​are distributed.

Prior to their meeting, McCarthy questioned ⁢Zelenskyy about his strategy to win the ⁤war with Russia and ensure accountability in the use of resources. McCarthy emphasized ‍the American public’s desire for answers.

It is clear that there are differing opinions within ​the Republican Party regarding the continued ‌aid to Ukraine. While‌ some members believe that it is necessary to support Ukraine in its ⁣conflict with Russia, others are concerned about⁣ the effectiveness and transparency of the aid.

The denial⁢ of⁢ Zelenskyy’s request to address Congress reflects these divisions⁢ within⁤ the ⁣party. McCarthy and other members‌ are focused on addressing⁣ domestic issues, such as funding ​the federal government, and believe that Zelenskyy’s address⁢ would divert attention‍ from​ these pressing matters.

Overall, the ​decision by House⁢ Speaker Kevin McCarthy to ⁣deny Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s request ⁢to address Congress highlights the ongoing ⁢debate within the Republican Party regarding aid to Ukraine. As Ukraine continues to ⁢face conflict with Russia, it remains to be seen how this issue will⁣ be resolved and what ​impact it will have on the relationship between the United States and Ukraine.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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