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McCarthy withdraws procedural vote on CR due to conservative opposition.

Avoiding Government Shutdown Delayed as House Vote on Continuing‍ Resolution Removed from Schedule

A procedural vote on ​a continuing resolution aimed at averting a government shutdown was unexpectedly⁢ removed from the⁢ House​ schedule this afternoon, adding another delay in a hotly contested battle‌ over government spending in the coming fiscal year.

The House was set to vote on the rule for consideration of H.R. 5525, the Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. on September⁣ 19. The “rule,” proposed by the House Rules Committee, establishes the terms for debating⁤ the⁣ bill on the House ‍floor.

However, House GOP leaders ​decided to indefinitely delay the vote, citing ​reports ⁤that as many as 17 House Republicans were opposed to the bill itself.

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The delay may be due to attempts by various⁢ factions in the House Republican caucus to resolve differences over the bill.

“They’re talking ⁣about ​what they‍ can ​do to‌ change it in ​there, to make it stronger,” said Rep. Keith​ Self (R-Texas) earlier in⁣ the day.

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), chairman of the House Freedom Caucus and a co-sponsor of ⁣the bill, emphasized the importance of cooperation and understanding in⁣ the face of ‌inevitable disagreements over spending.

“Understanding that we ​represent ⁢millions of people‌ across the country, there are going to be differences of‍ opinions. You’re not going to get every single thing that you want,” Mr. Perry told reporters. He added that his approach to those unhappy with the provisions of the bill would be to engage them in conversation.

Some Republican members​ have expressed dissatisfaction ‌with the continuing resolution for multiple reasons, ⁤including concerns that it would perpetuate‍ Democrats’‍ spending priorities and objections to the⁢ bundling of spending decisions into a single, take-it-or-leave-it proposal.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) stated that defeating ‌the continuing resolution was his⁣ “sole focus” for the week, advocating for individual consideration and open amendment of spending bills.

The bill H.R. 5525, put forward by Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), ⁢a member of the House Freedom Caucus, and ⁤co-sponsored by Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.), chair of the Main Street Caucus, aims to avoid a ⁣government ​shutdown if the House and Senate fail to pass 12 appropriations bills and reconcile their separate versions by⁤ September 30.

The bill ⁤would extend government ⁣funding for 31 days while⁤ cutting most non-defense discretionary spending by just over‍ 8‍ percent. Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs​ spending would continue at current levels.

Proponents of the continuing resolution​ argue⁤ that it serves as a temporary measure to enact important Republican priorities while allowing further work on appropriations bills.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy ‌(R-Calif.) questioned the motives of those opposing the continuing resolution, emphasizing ⁣the need for governance and a conservative approach to strengthen the country.

⁤ What is Tt Perry’s suggestion for the ​delay in order to secure more support for the bill?

Tt Perry (R-Pennsylvania) ⁣suggested that the delay could also be ‌an opportunity for negotiations⁣ with‌ Democrats in order to secure more support for the ⁢bill.

“I think there’s still discussions⁣ going on, I think people are still trying to work out the details,” Perry stated.

This ​delay comes as Congress faces a rapidly approaching⁣ deadline to fund the government beyond ⁤the current fiscal ⁣year, which ends on‍ September⁣ 30. Without a​ continuing​ resolution or a new budget ⁤in place, the government would face a shutdown,⁣ resulting in the ‌furlough of federal employees ⁢and the ⁤suspension of many ‍government services.

The main point of contention in the current standoff is funding ​for ‌border⁤ security.⁢ The ‍continuing resolution proposed by House Republicans ‌includes $1.6 billion for border wall construction, while Democrats have called for more‌ restrictions​ on⁢ immigration‍ detention and increased humanitarian aid ⁢for migrants at the border.

President Joe Biden has stated that ⁤he will ⁣not‌ sign ⁤a continuing resolution that includes funding for a border wall, setting the stage for a potential standoff between the White⁤ House and ​Congress.

The ⁢delay‍ in the House vote adds further uncertainty to the situation, as it remains unclear ​when the ‍House will take up the bill for consideration. It is possible that additional negotiations ⁤and revisions to the bill will take place in‍ order to secure the necessary support for passage.

Meanwhile,⁣ the‍ Senate is also grappling ‌with the looming ‌government shutdown deadline. ‍Senate Majority⁤ Leader Chuck Schumer has indicated that he plans to bring‍ a ⁢continuing resolution to the floor for a vote in the coming days, ‍regardless ‍of the status of the‍ House bill.

If both the House and the Senate ⁤are unable to pass a continuing resolution or a new budget by September⁣ 30, the government will be forced to shut down until an ⁤agreement can⁣ be reached.

Overall, the delay in the House vote on the continuing resolution adds another layer of complexity to an‌ already⁣ contentious battle over ​government spending. As ‍the deadline looms closer, the need ⁣for ‌bipartisan cooperation ⁢and compromise becomes increasingly evident. ⁤The‌ coming days will be critical ‌in determining ‍whether a government shutdown can be averted or if the nation will face another disruptive hiatus in government operations.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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