Washington Examiner

Maine shooting update: Robert Card’s body discovered by river, police and governor confirm.

Gov. Janet‌ Mills Confirms Suspect‌ in Lewiston Mass⁤ Shooting Found Dead

Gov. Janet Mills⁣ (D-ME) and Maine authorities have confirmed that Robert Card,⁣ the suspect in the Lewiston mass shooting,⁤ has been found dead. During‍ a press conference on Friday, Mills ⁣expressed relief that Card is “no longer a threat to ​anyone.”

Time to Heal and Bring Closure

Mills acknowledged that Card’s death may‍ not bring solace ⁢to many, but emphasized the importance of healing. She assured that law enforcement‍ will continue to investigate the case ​thoroughly to​ provide closure to the victims and their families.

Discovery of Card’s Body

Mike Sauschuck, the commissioner of the Maine Department of ​Public Safety, revealed that Card’s body was discovered ⁣at 7:45 p.m. on Friday near the Androscoggin River in Lisbon Falls. Sauschuck confirmed that Card had died ⁣from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Prior to the press conference,‍ it was reported that Card’s ‌body was found near a recycling center where he used to work, and he was wearing the same clothes​ as during ​the shootings.

Consideration for the Families

Sauschuck emphasized that the families of both the victims and the suspect were informed about Card’s death before the information was made public. He acknowledged the loss suffered by Card’s family and praised their cooperation throughout the investigation.

No Indication of Accomplices

While the manhunt was ​intense, Sauschuck stated that⁣ there is no⁤ evidence suggesting ⁢Card had any‍ accomplices in the ⁢shooting or its aftermath.

Identification ​of Victims

It was announced ​on Friday that all 18 victims of the shooting had been identified. More information⁢ regarding ⁤Card’s death and the⁣ ongoing investigation will be shared during a press conference on Saturday morning.

Click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

How does effective communication help reduce conflicts ⁢and misunderstandings in the workplace

The ⁤Importance ​of Effective Communication in⁢ the Workplace


Effective communication plays a crucial role in any workplace setting. It‍ is the foundation for a harmonious‍ and productive work environment. From exchanging information to building relationships, communication skills⁢ are essential ⁤for individuals⁤ to navigate through the complex dynamics of the modern workplace.


1. Fostering Collaboration and Teamwork:

One of the key benefits of effective communication is that it ⁤promotes collaboration and⁤ teamwork among ⁣employees. When individuals are able to express their‌ thoughts, ideas, and concerns clearly, it enables ‌them‍ to work together more effectively ⁢towards achieving‌ common ⁣goals. Effective communication creates ‍an environment ‍where employees​ can brainstorm ideas,‍ share valuable insights, ⁤and collaborate on projects, leading to increased productivity.

2.‍ Building Trust and Enhancing Relationships:

Communicating effectively also helps ​build trust within an organization. When colleagues trust each other, they feel more comfortable sharing information, seeking feedback, and offering support. Trust is the foundation‍ of strong relationships and collaboration, and effective communication fosters this trust by ⁣ensuring transparency, open⁣ dialogue, and ​respect ⁣for diverse perspectives.

3. Reducing ‌Conflicts and Misunderstandings:

Poor ⁢communication can often lead to conflicts ‌and misunderstandings in the workplace. Misinterpretation‌ of information,⁤ lack ‌of ⁤clarity, and ineffective listening can all⁣ contribute to unnecessary conflicts. By fostering effective communication, these‌ conflicts can be minimized or even avoided altogether. Clear expectations, active ‍listening, and prompt ⁤feedback ‍are all⁤ factors that contribute to reducing misunderstandings⁢ and conflicts in⁤ the workplace.

4. Enhanced Productivity:

Effective communication has ⁤a direct impact on workplace productivity. Employees​ who are able to communicate clearly and ‍efficiently‌ can complete tasks more accurately and in a timely manner. Clear communication ⁣ensures that everyone is ⁢on‌ the same page, preventing confusion ⁢and ‍reducing the time wasted on misunderstandings or​ unnecessary follow-ups. Additionally, effective communication also leads to improved decision-making⁤ processes, as⁣ all ⁣relevant information is shared and understood by all parties involved.

5. Boosting Employee ‌Morale and ​Engagement:

When employees feel that their opinions are‌ valued and their concerns are heard, it leads to ‍higher levels⁢ of employee morale and engagement. Effective communication enables managers and leaders⁤ to create‍ a supportive and inclusive work ‌environment, where⁣ employees feel‍ appreciated and motivated to give their best effort. Regular communication and⁣ feedback from supervisors‍ also help employees understand ⁣their roles and ​responsibilities better, leading to increased job ⁤satisfaction and‌ higher retention ​rates.


In the fast-paced ⁣and ⁣interconnected world of today, effective workplace communication is more ⁢important than ever. It is the foundation upon​ which successful organizations are built.⁢ By fostering collaboration, building trust, reducing ⁣conflicts, enhancing productivity, ‍and boosting ⁢employee​ morale and engagement, effective communication can ​create a positive workplace‍ culture that thrives. Investing in⁤ improving communication⁤ skills at ⁢all levels within an organization is, therefore, critical for achieving success and maintaining ​a competitive edge in today’s ⁣business landscape.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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