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‘MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!’: Steve Bannon at CPAC

Fox News’ treatment Trump has been criticized by The War Room host, who said that Americans have not paid enough for the wars in Europe.

Steve Bannon energized conservatives at the Conservative Political Action Conference (March 3), voicing support for Donald Trump and criticizing powerful figures within the conservative world.

“MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!” The “War Room” The former Trump adviser and host chanted following a speech criticizing Fox News’ past coverage of Trump.

“We came off of on 3 November of 2020 four years of peace and prosperity,” He stated to the crowd that he does not believe the 2020 presidential elections were legitimate.

Trump, Bannon said, “is the leader of the most powerful political movement in American history.”

“If your task and purpose is to take your country back, this country will be saved,” He spoke to the crowd.

‘The Storm Is Here’

Bannon said to conservatives that the world has entered a new era of darkness and strife.

“There’s no longer a gathering storm. The storm is here,” He said.

He claimed that the world is becoming more dangerous than it was before the Second World War, because of geopolitical developments as well as forces in the capital market.

Bannon referred to the Federal Reserve’s recent interest rate increases as a major obstacle for everyday Americans.

“The people crushed the most are Millennials,” He said.

“They are going Russian serfs. They won’t have anyt

From ‘MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!’: Steve Bannon at CPAC

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