Washington Examiner

Sexual assault victim sues school board for $30 million in Loudoun County.

Loudoun County Student Files $30 Million Lawsuit Against School District

The Loudoun County ⁣student who was ⁣sexually ⁢assaulted in a high school restroom has filed a $30 million federal lawsuit against the school district. The incident occurred on May 28, ⁤2021, at Stone Bridge High⁤ School, where a male ‌student in a skirt sexually abused the 15-year-old girl.

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The⁢ lawsuit⁣ accuses Loudoun County Public Schools of disregarding warnings about the male student and attempting ⁢to cover up the assault, constituting a breach of⁣ Title IX. Scott Smith,‍ the ‌girl’s father and a ​plaintiff in the case, expressed his family’s long journey to this point and their hope that the lawsuit will set a precedent⁢ nationwide, holding school districts accountable and protecting children.

This⁤ sexual assault ignited a national debate on education policies regarding⁢ restroom usage, as concerned parents raised questions about the potential dangers of allowing students to use restrooms of the opposite sex. In the Loudoun case, the perpetrator was simply transferred to another ⁣school with minimal disciplinary action, and he⁢ went on to assault another girl a few months later. He has since been convicted for both assaults.

“This political motive to avoid acknowledgment of what happened to Jane Doe⁣ led to LCSB’s failure to take remedial, supportive measures to provide ⁤her with a safe school environment after the sexual assault,” the lawsuit‍ states.

The Smiths are being represented by Virginia Republican​ state Sen. Bill Stanley, who has been advocating for the family for over a year. They are seeking $30 million⁢ in damages, citing the trauma​ and post-assault abuse from peers ⁢that have hindered the girl’s access to an adequate education.

Recently, Smith was pardoned by Gov. Glenn ⁤Youngkin (R-VA) ⁣for charges related to his daughter’s assault. He had been arrested​ at an LCPS school board meeting for speaking out about the assault and accusing then-Superintendent ⁤Scott Ziegler of a⁤ cover-up. Although initially facing charges of​ obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct,⁣ Smith no longer faces legal consequences.

A grand jury report later confirmed ‌the cover-up and issued indictments against Ziegler, who has⁤ since been terminated. Despite being aware of an ongoing investigation by‌ the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Department into the assault, Ziegler allegedly ‌lied and claimed‌ there were no reports ‌of⁤ restroom assaults⁢ during a school board meeting.

“I think it’s important to keep our perspective on this. We’ve heard it several times tonight from our public speakers, but the⁣ predator‌ transgender student or person simply does not exist,” Ziegler stated during the meeting.

Ziegler was found guilty of a misdemeanor for wrongfully terminating a teacher who testified before⁣ the grand jury investigating him.

The‍ Loudoun County School Board declined to comment on the pending legal matters when approached by the Washington Examiner.


How might the outcome of this ⁤lawsuit impact restroom usage policies in schools and the balance ⁢between promoting inclusivity and⁣ addressing concerns of abuse and invasion of privacy

Nvicted of multiple ‍charges related to these incidents.

The lawsuit⁣ comes as a response to the school district’s failure to adequately address the ‌safety concerns raised by the victim’s family and⁣ other members of the ‍community. It alleges that⁢ the school district knowingly ⁣allowed a dangerous individual to remain on ​campus, putting students at risk. The plaintiff argues that the district’s negligence and lack of action violated ⁢their duty to keep students⁤ safe, as outlined in Title IX.

Title IX is a federal law‌ that prohibits sex discrimination in ⁤educational institutions that receive federal funding. ⁢It requires schools⁤ to take prompt and effective steps⁤ to address sexual harassment and assault, ‌as well as‌ to provide support and‌ accommodations ⁣for victims. The lawsuit claims that Loudoun County Public Schools failed to ⁤live up to these obligations and seeks accountability ⁣for the harm caused to the victim as a result.

This case highlights the complex issues surrounding restroom usage⁢ policies in schools. While advocates for transgender ‍rights argue that ‌allowing ‍students to use the restroom that ⁤aligns with their gender ⁣identity promotes‌ inclusivity and prevents discrimination, ​opponents express concerns about potential abuse and‌ invasion of ‍privacy. The outcome of this lawsuit may‌ have broader implications for schools across the country as they grapple with finding a balance between creating a ⁢safe and inclusive environment​ for all students.

Loudoun County has been at the ⁤center of controversy ⁤in ​recent months, with heated debates over critical race‌ theory, ⁤diversity⁢ and inclusion⁢ programs, and other educational policies. This lawsuit adds to the existing tension and further divides the⁢ community. It raises questions ‌about whether the school district ‍has ⁢prioritized ideology⁣ over the safety and well-being of its ‌students.

The victim and her⁣ family have expressed their hope that this lawsuit will not only lead to justice for their daughter but also serve as a catalyst for‌ change. They​ believe that schools should prioritize ⁢the safety‌ of all students and ⁢take immediate and effective action to address any reports of sexual harassment or assault. By ‌holding the school district accountable, they aim to send a powerful message to other institutions across the nation.

In response to​ the lawsuit, Loudoun County ⁢Public Schools ‌released a statement expressing their commitment to student safety and stating that they will cooperate fully with the legal process. ⁣They ‍acknowledge the seriousness ⁢of the allegations and the importance of addressing them appropriately. The ‌school district⁢ also notes ‌that they have taken steps to improve their policies and procedures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in⁣ the future.

The outcome of this lawsuit will have significant implications​ for the Loudoun County school district and may set a precedent for how other districts handle cases of sexual​ assault and misconduct. It serves as a reminder that ‌schools have a ⁣responsibility to create a safe and nurturing environment for all ‍students, and that neglecting to address reports ⁣of harassment and abuse can ‌have devastating consequences. As the legal process​ unfolds, ‍it is crucial to remember the ⁣importance ‍of holding ‍institutions accountable and working towards preventing future incidents through comprehensive policies and proactive measures.

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