the federalist

Regardless of personal opinions on Trump, Republicans must acknowledge the imperfect candidate’s reality

Why Iowa Voters Chose‍ Trump

Political purity contests are‌ fantastic for social ⁤media and cable news, but not so great​ for conservatives ⁣who prioritize winning over perfection. On Monday, Iowa voters chose ‌Trump, despite all his flaws. They didn’t just ​hand him a razor-thin victory,⁤ it was more like a historic tsunami.

Why ‌did ‍they do that? DeSantis is more ⁢normal, Haley can bring the much-coveted college-educated⁤ suburban women that CNN is‍ infatuated with,⁢ yet they broke hard for Trump. Are they blind to Trump’s flaws? His⁣ legal⁣ situation? Nope. It’s that they have decided perfection‌ isn’t ⁣the goal.

I have been⁢ wearing‍ the GOP hat since ⁣I could ​vote. Don’t get‍ me ‌wrong, I have donned the ‌jersey of my ⁣favorite primary candidate every four ⁢years, but I have⁣ never taken off my hat. My ⁣voting record reflects that philosophy: Bush, Dole, Bush x 2, ​McCain, Romney, Trump⁣ x 2. I am not⁤ the first person to say ⁤this, but⁢ for me, electoral politics is‍ purely transactional. I don’t need a friend, parent, pastor, therapist,⁣ role model, hero, or ⁣savior when voting for a politician. My vote is cast for who ⁣is aligned closest to​ my​ views at every stage, ‌first in the primary and then in the⁤ general.

Who makes ​it out ​of the primary isn’t solely up to me ​or you. We are presented ‌with a binary choice at the end of each ‍cycle for the general‍ election, and none of my personal​ choices ‌have ended ⁢up being the ⁤eventual​ nominee on the​ GOP side ⁣in my⁢ voting life (except Trump in 2016). But as stipulated, we have to vote on who is left ⁢standing, with our GOP‌ hat on, not the jersey of an individual candidate. ‍It’s like going to a steak house, ‌and the waiter ⁣says they are out of Japanese Wagyu. You don’t become a vegan. You ask for the filet mignon. If that’s gone, order the hamburger, not ‌the tofu.

Perfect Is the Enemy of Good

Perfect candidate? Please. No⁤ such thing. We are a complicated people, all⁢ of us, and‍ our preferences are equally complex. My perfect candidate would be a mash-up of ⁣Donald Trump (foreign policy, media⁢ relations, energy policy),⁢ Gov. Ron DeSantis (hiring ⁢cabinet members, results-oriented ‌governance, and‌ homelessness),‌ Sen. Rand Paul⁢ (all things health⁤ and federal spending), ⁢Steve‌ Forbes (flat tax), Sen. ⁣Ted Cruz (border, constitutional issues, and judges), Dr. Ben‌ Carson (servant leadership, welfare state, and abortion), Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (military-industrial‍ complex ‍lobby and armed forces⁢ recruiting),​ Mark Cuban (reduction of‍ federal ​agency workforce, technology implementation, and AI ‌matters),‍ Secretary Hillary Rodham ‌Clinton (Diplomat protection⁤ and earthquake rebuilds … joking of course), and ‍an open slot for law enforcement-related issues.

Notice who isn’t on my mash-up list: Bush ‌(both), Dole, McCain, or Romney, yet I voted for them anyway because ⁢all of ​them⁢ were better than ⁣the alternative. If Haley were ⁢to become the nominee, she would have my vote. No offense to Tucker Carlson, but Haley as vice president or president is infinitely ⁤better than the alternative. I won’t like it, ‍but I will do⁤ it. Your list of ​what makes an ideal candidate is different,⁣ and that’s to be ​expected. We are rugged and‍ unique individuals, but (hopefully) ⁢united in a larger purpose of living in a great country that is ⁤prosperous and‍ peaceful.

The⁣ Right’s Purity​ Tests

Ann Coulter is wicked smart, she​ correctly⁢ predicted Trump would be⁣ the⁤ likely nominee ‍in June⁣ 2015 to ‌much ⁤laughter⁢ on ​Bill Maher’s show⁣ and among ⁢professional political ⁤pundits. Her 2007 ⁤book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, ⁢was both brilliant ⁣and prescient in many ways. She isn’t helping the average voter with the rants about Trump not living up to her political purity tests. Trump is deeply flawed,‌ but he isn’t alone in that⁣ space.

All charismatic leaders are‍ flawed. ‌That’s the nature of⁣ the beast⁤ when we only have humans⁤ to nominate. I⁢ agree with much ⁣of ‌what she detests about⁣ Trump, but let’s remember that come Nov. 6, 2024, a flawed ⁣individual will be presiding over our great nation, and it might as well ‍be one who is closer to ‍our‍ values ‌than not.

One thing ⁣is certain,⁤ when a president (or any politician really)​ is termed out ‍or loses office, his ‌most ardent supporters ‌have⁣ a list of things they didn’t like about his ⁢administration. It makes no difference which side you⁢ are​ on or who the person was, guaranteed ​you weren’t as⁣ happy ‌with them when it was over as you were when‍ it began. Political perfection is a myth, useful for those ‍profiting off covering the races⁣ but unproductive for the citizenry.

What does that mean for conservatives now post-Iowa? ⁢Love Trump, hate Trump, or indifferent to Trump, it’s⁤ becoming clearer by the day he is the likely ​GOP nominee. If the DeSantis and Haley voters refuse to ‍back‌ him in the general, we deserve four more years of Democrat ineptness.

Does that⁤ mean we get four⁤ years of‍ conservative bliss? Not⁣ a chance. Trump moves⁤ back into ⁢the White House dragging‍ all ⁢his known baggage.⁤ We will get four years of chaos to be sure, but if he can stem the tide at the border, lower energy prices,⁤ reverse inflation, make‌ mortgages more affordable, and ​unentangle ​us in Ukraine, it’s worth it to conservatives.⁤ It’s not perfect, but it’s worth it.

​ How did Trump’s ability to connect with a specific group ⁢of ‍voters contribute to his appeal in⁢ Iowa ⁤and other ⁤states?

Its. She‍ understood‍ that ⁤Trump’s appeal was not based on⁣ his ideological purity, but on his ability to connect ⁢with a specific group ‌of ⁤voters who felt ignored and left behind ​by the ‌political ‌establishment. ⁣This group of voters, which includes many working-class⁤ Americans in states like Iowa, saw ‍Trump as a champion for their interests and a disruptor of the status quo.

The fact is, many conservatives in Iowa and across the country have become disillusioned with the⁣ Republican ​Party and‌ its inability to deliver ⁣on their promises. They have watched ⁢as ⁢politicians like Jeb ⁣Bush⁢ and Mitt Romney failed to effectively challenge the⁤ left and enact conservative⁤ policies. They ‍have seen the Republican⁣ establishment dismiss their concerns and label them as​ out-of-touch‍ or racist. And they have witnessed the media and cultural elites relentlessly ‍attack their values⁢ and beliefs.

In‍ this context, Trump’s flaws and ‌controversies pale in comparison to ⁢the larger issues ⁢at stake. Iowa voters chose Trump because they believe he is the only one who⁣ can effectively fight for ​their​ interests and push ⁢back against the forces that seek‌ to​ undermine their way ⁢of life. They may not ⁣agree with everything⁤ he says⁢ or does, but they see⁣ him as a leader who ⁣is not afraid to take on the establishment and stand up for what he believes in.

Furthermore, Iowa voters understand that ‌in ⁣politics, compromise is necessary. ⁢They know⁣ that no candidate will ever be a ⁣perfect match‌ for their ideals, and that they must make difficult choices in order to advance their agenda. They recognize ⁣that winning ⁣elections is essential to achieving‌ their goals‍ and that sometimes, they must support a candidate who ⁣may not align perfectly‌ with their values but who ⁣has ⁣the best chance of getting elected and enacting conservative policies.


Iowa voters chose Trump because they believe he is the best option available ⁣to them. They see him as a leader who⁤ can deliver results‌ and shake up the ‌status ⁢quo. They ⁣are ‌willing to overlook⁢ his flaws because‌ they prioritize winning over perfection. And‌ they have made ​a pragmatic calculation that supporting Trump is the most effective way to advance their conservative values and‍ interests.

As the 2022 midterms ​and the 2024 presidential election⁢ approach, it will be ⁣interesting to see ‌how Iowa voters ⁤and conservatives across the country navigate‍ the political landscape. Will they ​continue to prioritize‌ winning⁣ over purity? Will they rally around a candidate ​who ‌may not⁢ be their ideal choice but who ⁢has the best chance⁢ of defeating their opponents? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: Iowa voters have shown that they are ⁢willing to make tough choices and support candidates⁢ who ‍can bring about real change.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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