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Lawmakers demand transparency following whistleblower’s claim of US recovering alien craft.

US Government Withholding Information on Recovered UFOs?

The truth is out there, but is the US government keeping it from us? Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) thinks so. He believes that the American people have a right to know whether the intelligence establishment has withheld information on crashed UFOs that were recovered by the government and may be used to develop weapons.

“The truth, whatever it is, regardless of what the subject is, belongs with the American people, not in these halls, not in some other place in some building in downtown Washington, D.C.—out with the American people,” Perry told The Epoch Times on June 6.

These allegations come from a whistleblower, David C. Grusch, who claims that information about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP, formerly called UFOs) has been kept secret to “purposely and intentionally thwart legitimate congressional oversight of the UAP Program.”

“This is their government, not the people that work in D.C. They’re the custodians of the information.”

Grusch, a former intelligence official and veteran of the war in Afghanistan, claims to have provided Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General classified information about covert UAP programs. That information proves that the United States has collected intact and partially intact craft of nonhuman origin, according to Grusch.

Retaliation and Whistleblower Complaints

Grusch claims to have experienced retaliation for his actions, leading him to file a whistleblower complaint. The story was first reported on June 5 by The Debrief, which states that other intelligence officials have provided similar accounts and corroborating information. Reporters for both outlets said they had not seen the evidence Grusch claims to possess.

The United States and its allies have recovered partial and intact remains of aircraft of nonhuman origin for decades, according to Grusch, including the remains of aliens.

“Well, naturally when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots. And believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true,” Grusch told News Nation. “We’re definitely not alone.”

Grusch claims to have seen evidence of “quite a number” of devices of nonhuman origin provided by unnamed intelligence officers who, he says, were part of a secret program.

Implications for Human Development and Defense Industry

The discovery of technology developed by other species could have a profound effect on human development, according to Garry Nolan, a professor at Stanford University.

“What might be represented here could be hundreds of technology revolutions ahead of us. It could be more transformative for humanity than what the microprocessor accomplished. Imagine what we could do with even a grain of knowledge about how they operate,” Nolan said, according to The Debrief.

That knowledge could have implications for the defense industry as well.

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2023 directs the secretary of defense to establish a “secure mechanism for authorized reporting of—any event relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena,” including “material retrieval, material analysis, reverse engineering, research and development, detection and tracking, developmental or operational testing, and security protections and enforcement.”

The law further states that must “prevent the unauthorized public reporting or compromise of classified military and intelligence systems, programs, and related activity, including all categories and levels of special access and compartmented access programs.”

Certain members of Congress and other officials have been briefed about UAP, including exotic recovered materials, since 2019, according to The New York Times.

A spokesperson for the Department of Defense said the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has no knowledge of any such reverse-engineering effort.

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