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Lawmaker Calls For Airline Passenger ‘Bill Of Rights’ After Southwest Meltdown

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), plans to reintroduce legislation that creates a “bill of rights” For airline Following the recent logistical crisis at, passengers Southwest Airlines This left thousands of passengers without a home across the country.

The Two-thirds of the flights were cancelled by the company during busy seasons Christmas travel season, even after severe winter weather Conditions had improved and other airlines had stopped cancelling an increased number of flights. Southwest An announcement was made about a return of normal operations Start with December 30; Cancellation data FlightAware has provided data that shows the company is currently on par with other major airlines.

Blumenthal Submit legislation to the new Congress It would provide passengers affected by future flight cancellations with various reimbursement guarantees. “The kind of disaster that we saw with Southwest simply dramatizes an ongoing failure by the airlines to respect basic passenger rights,” The lawmakers stated that in interview CBS. “Rental cars, hotel, meals, no questions asked, money back.”

Similar legislation Filed by Blumenthal During the last Congress Would have granted “protections for airline passengers from being required to involuntarily relinquish their seats,” Mandatory “training on the rights of passengers” Restrictions for airline staff “unreasonable air carrier fees,” Provided “compensation to passengers” You can cancel or delay your flight.

Other After the holiday travel meltdown in December, lawmakers have also called for tighter regulations of the airline industry. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) Cited an earlier admonition To Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg They also demanded that the official establish rules for refunds for passengers who were affected by cancelled or delayed flight.

“Taxpayers bailed out the airline industry during their time of need,” Sanders wrote. “It is the responsibility of the airline industry and the Department of Transportation to ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that the flying public and crew members are able to get to their destinations on time and without delay.”

Share Prices Southwest As executives try to regain the trust of disaffected customers, the company’s sales have dropped by more than 15% in the last month. Leadership in the company’s pilot union has claimed The surge in cancellations was due to “a combination of processes, outdated technology, and infrastructure.” The Airlines are unique among major carriers because they use a point to point system instead of a hub model.

Southwest CEO Bob Jordan In a recent article, he remarked statement The firm is currently performing a “thorough review” These disruptions. “We’ve already taken immediate actions to mitigate the risk of this ever happening again, and the review work will inform additional actions and investment as well,” He said. “We’ve asked our unions to participate in this review effort as well, and likewise we are in regular communication with our Board of Directors.”

Some 54 million passengers are expected to depart airports between now and 2025 December 18. January According to, there was a 20% increase of holiday travel in 2013, despite continued economic headwinds and cost pressures. data From Hopper. The Moreover, frigid temperatures and snowfall were also obstacles. major delivery services As Americans Waited for the last-minute Christmas Presents: FedEx and UPS issued statements warning about delays, Amazon The United States Postal Service Multiple locations were shuttered.

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