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Ladies, It’s Time To Stop Wearing Yoga Pants — But Not For The Reasons You Think

Question of the Day: What do women wear? yoga pants everywhere?

This question was actually partially inspired by my colleague Ben Shapiro — but I have a different opinion than he does, for slightly different reasons. 

Here’s what he had to say about yoga pants on The Ben Shapiro Show today:

Listen, I made this case to my friend Ali Beth Stuckey, who’s like, ‘yeah, yoga pants are fine. Women can wear yoga pants.’ But don’t be surprised when men stare at you because it hugs your ass. That’s just the reality. And when I say stare, it doesn’t mean to gawk at you. If a man glances at you with a sexy eye, it’s not surprising. This is not sexism. It is fundamental human biology.

Ben made a very fair point — absolutely. You will get more attention from men if you wear yoga pants. But, that’s not the only reason I wanted to cover this topic today. That’s not the issue I am most concerned with.

A few weeks back, I was at dinner when I noticed an old photo of a well-dressed man working in a field that was taken many decades ago.

I was moved by the photo and long for the days of respect, when everyone dressed in a respectful manner. After eating out, my husband and me went to the park without children.

When I looked around, I noticed that every woman was wearing yoga pant. There were many different styles, but all the women were wearing yoga trousers.

And I wondered, “Why is everyone wearing yoga pants?” These weren’t women who just left a workout — these were women who chose to wear yoga pants to the park. They took off their yoga pants and put them on, as though they were appropriate for outdoor wear.

Now, I need to be very careful here and tell you guys I’m a hypocrite, okay? I was that woman for a very long time — probably up until two weeks ago.

So, there isn’t any “gotcha here!” If someone finds a photo of me wearing yoga pants. I admit it.

Yet something in my mind has transformed and I’ve realized how ridiculous it is to wear yoga pants.

These yoga pants: Why do we wear them? This trend began when? It was fashionable to wear spandex when this trend began? Was it with Victoria’s secret with the folded own spandex pants?

For me — and a lot of ladies my age — wearing yoga pants became fashionable in college and we never let go of the trend. So, I asked women I know — at work, in my family, my friend groups: “Why do you wear yoga pants everyday as if they are a pair of jeans?

And the number one response I got was, “Well, it’s comfortable.” The second best response was that it’s “quick and easy.”

Well, that doesn’t entirely make sense when you think about it. You can wear comfortable jeans. You can wear jeans or a dress. Just because it’s effortless — doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

This is why I disagree with Ben Shapiro’s opinion on yoga pants. Yoga pants to me represent the decline of our culture.

I see a culture that is so relaxed and careless about putting in the least effort possible everywhere I go.

This occurs with our manners, our work ethic, and our grammar — as I have discussed in many of my shows — such as where I broke down Slothfulness is a sin

It is not progress. It’s regression. And now, we’re passing it on to our children. Everyone’s toddler looks like they’re going to the gym. All of them are wearing sweatpants.

My belief is that the way you dress your children early on can teach them valuable lessons. They either learn to be presentable or that it’s okay to dress like a slob. It has a positive impact on their mentality.

How we dress as adults influences how we think and act. Those actions then shape society.

As I’ve discussed, society is becoming less beautiful. When you see overseas culture — people in London or elsewhere in Europe — and you see how they make a little bit more of an effort, you quickly realize we’ve lost something here in America.

It is important to do small things to change your mindset and get rid of this negative attitude. And if we practice beauty on an individual level, we will begin to see beauty on an outward external level — and that can shape our nation for the better.

It must start somewhere.  It begins with you. It is me who will take action. We should all stop doing yoga, I believe.

Read More From Original Article Here:

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