The bongino report

Kurt Schlichter: We Deserve Reparations From Stupid People

The City of San Francisco, the bayside burg that gave us Nancy Pelosi and sidewalk toilets, is now proposing the ultimate in nonsense – a few million bucks of reparations for everyone whose grandparents came from the right continent at the right time. Actually, it’s more generous than that, because you may also be eligible if you were a victim of the Drug War – that is, if you were a scumbag drug dealer justly imprisoned for slinging poison before the narcotics were effectively legalized by the same leftists whose hometown proposes this giveaway. If a bunch people who were never slaves are allowed to get money free of charge from people who have never owned slaves, then I propose that those who pay the dollars go to liberal San Francisco Democrats. 

These idiots along with other race hustlers and freaky degenerates have made the America Dream a nightmare. They owe us all reparations.

Mutants, open your wallets. It’s time to pay us for having to put up with your nonsense. The only thing that is in dispute is the amount.

Let’s be clear about the nature of “reparations” – it’s morally illiterate nonsense pushed by creeps and subscribed to by the greedy and/or stupid. The idea that some people should get free money today from other people based on their race is a moral atrocity so total and unambiguous that it could only be wholeheartedly embraced by the kind of morons and charlatans who make up America’s left. There should never be “conversation” Reparations are not discussed. There is no middle finger, which shows our inability to accept that such a concept is worth consideration by decent folks.

It was Senator Pat Geary who said it best, according to Michael Corleone “Godfather II” “My offer is this. Nothing.” There’s no debate, no room for some compromise in which people who committed no wrong except for the misfortune of being born with currently unfashionable genes give the fruit of their time and labor to other people with currently fashionable genes as penance from crimes that the former did not commit and that the latter did not suffer. They receive nothing. Not a penny. Nicio apology. Nobody alive today has ever done anything wrong. It’s ritual abasement and humiliation and we are not playing that. We will not accept blood guilt as a primitive and disgusting notion. 

There are others, however, who like the idea, other than the progs, the race hustlers and the suckers who think that their reparations check will be in the mail. It’s the KKK types, the kind of mouth-breathers who would join that Democrat-founded organization. It is the ideal of making good people suffer by dividing people by their race. This creates hatred and resentment which is what these parasites thrive on. If you want to promote racism – and many of these race card counters seem entirely committed to doing so – you would want to punish innocent people because of their skin color in favor of other people of a different skin color. There is no better way to encourage dissention or resentment than this. The most important thing to happen to the very few racists was white liberals’ stupid ideas.

One might refer to the complete rejection of reparations as a moral abomination. “racist.” Some people are lying and/or stupid, and it doesn’t matter what they say. If they don’t call you racist for this, they will call you racist for something else. Never listen to lies. You can only make them laugh. Laugh at them.

However, this doesn’t excuse the left to pay for the wrongs they’ve done to the decent and the average through their hideous policies. Crime? They enjoy it or do all that is necessary to be happy with it. Bankrupt the cops and impose prosecutors who won’t prosecute – if you wanted a recipe for inner city bloodshed, that’s it. It works. Every child killed in gangbangers’ crossfire was a victim of Democrats. There’s a solution to crime – do the opposite of what Lori Lightfoot does in Chicago. But the left won’t do it.

What is the budget? How many people are we letting slide because Uncle Sucker gives dollars to every bum and chiseler who has his, her or its hand out. They have changed government’s purpose from protecting our borders, hanging criminals, and killing our enemies to giving cash to those too lazy to work. The normal working people deserve compensation from the lazy and indolent.

Take a look around. The Rio Grande is an obstacle, not a highway. Our children are being groomed by perverts. Schools are conformity factories that churn out woke numbskulls who think the three branches of government are Facebook, Instagram and Tick Tok – though they might have a point. The left has made us accept a corrupt, degenerate president and a ruling elite that is just as greedy and unaccomplished. Our country was once great. They were the ones who made last week’s humiliating defeat by a tiny bug.

The people who helped to build this country, those who feed and fuel it, as well as those who support it, are entitled to compensation. Pay the hell up – right after you roll up your own reparations demand real tight, light it on fire, and stuff it where even Fang Fang feared to tread.

Follow Kurt via Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get InfernoThe seventh book in the Kelly Turnbull series, titled. People’s Republic A series of conservative action novels that are set in America after a hypothetical national divorce. We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America.

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