Tony Buzbee, attorney for Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial, criticizes facial tan.

AUSTIN, Texas — Defense Attorney ​Tony Buzbee Fires Back at Press During Impeachment Trial

Accuses Media of Manipulating Images to Undermine Appearance

AUSTIN, Texas‌ — Ken Paxton’s​ lead defense attorney Tony Buzbee attacked the press ahead of day three of the attorney general’s impeachment trial and claimed to have ​been victimized by an allegedly manipulated image captured during ⁢the trial.

The Houston-based trial lawyer⁢ posted pictures to his public Instagram ‍account moments before the‍ trial commenced Thursday morning, suggesting⁢ to his more than 50,000 followers that the ‍journalists and photographers had an agenda to target him by undermining his appearance.

“Here are two pics from two different reputable news organizations, taken on the same day, within minutes of the other. ‌I ​am out in the sun a lot, but I don’t think my skin has ever been​ that ‘tan,’” Buzbee wrote, then suggested‍ an unnamed news outlet had edited the screenshot to make him look less appealing.

“Why would ⁢they doctor my⁢ pic? I’m sure you could take a guess,” Buzbee wrote. “So you think​ the news isn’t bias? Think again.”

The first photograph⁣ was taken‌ by Associated Press photographer Eric Gay on Tuesday. The second ‌picture, which Buzbee did not credit, ⁤appeared to have been captured on Wednesday when⁣ Buzbee⁣ returned to the⁢ Capitol noticeably tanner than the previous​ day.

Buzbee’s profile boasts ​billion collected as a “national trial lawyer” and his experience as a “U.S. Marine Corps Recon Vet.”

The ‌Associated Press captured Buzbee in the same lighting​ in⁣ the chamber on Wednesday, as pictured below.

Buzbee’s rant on social media could ⁢be ​part of a larger strategy to‍ solicit public sympathy by claiming to be a victim of the press.

However, screenshots of local media livestreams from proceedings Wednesday shot from the same camera show slightly darker and lighter versions of the⁣ trial’s events.


Paxton‌ is a third-term Republican attorney general who‌ faces 16 articles of impeachment including unfitness for office and ‌bribery.

Buzbee ​declined to comment on his post during an in-person request at the Capitol Thursday afternoon.

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