Protect Our Kids from Radical Democrats

Protecting Parents’ Rights and Putting Children First

Joe Biden and Democrats are attempting to undermine parents’ rights to an alarming extent. According to the president, America’s youth are “not somebody else’s kids; these are all our kids.” As a proud mother of two, I firmly state that my son and daughter belong to my husband and me, and no one else. They certainly do not belong to a government that prioritizes political gain over the well-being of our children.

“Biden and far-Left radicals are using our kids like pawns to score political points. It’s disgusting, it’s beneath the office of the president, and it needs to end.”

We all remember when Biden’s Department of Justice labeled concerned Virginia parents at school board meetings as potential terrorists. This unjust government persecution helped propel Glenn Youngkin to the Governor’s mansion in 2021, where he has since worked tirelessly to protect Virginia families. Unfortunately, infringing on parents’ rights and neglecting the needs of our children is not an isolated incident but rather a deliberate strategy of the far-Left to reshape America.

Biden and his Democrat allies have consistently supported allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports, disregarding the hard work and achievements of female athletes. This cruel injustice robs girls of scholarship opportunities and victories that are rightfully theirs. Watch a video of a transgender swimmer soundly defeating the best female swimmers in America, and ask yourself if you would accept your daughter being treated in such a manner.

“It doesn’t matter that around 70% of Americans oppose this insane practice, which erases decades of progress for women in sports. Biden and the Left don’t care about American families. They care about putting points on the board for radical extremists who abandoned common sense long ago.”

The stories keep pouring in. Recent school board guidance in New York encourages teachers to keep children’s “gender identity” a secret from parents. Proposed legislation in California aims to charge parents who do not support their children’s desire to “transition” with child abuse. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a prominent Left-wing group, has even added several parental rights organizations to their “hate and extremist list” for simply wanting to ensure their children are not exposed to inappropriate content in school. Shockingly, the researchers responsible for this smear campaign met with Biden officials earlier this year.

“The Biden administration consistently collaborates with far-Left groups to shape policies that want you to stay out of your kids’ lives. If you dare to push back, they might punish you with a weaponized government. This is not right, and it is not what America stands for.”

Thankfully, House Republicans have recently passed a Parents’ Bill of Rights, which defends our children and restores power to parents. As we strive to regain control of the Senate and ensure Joe Biden becomes a one-term president in 2024, we must remember that our children are at the heart of this battle. While Democrats may be willing to sacrifice our future for political gain, Republicans will always prioritize the well-being of our children. The American people recognize that we are the party of common sense when it comes to parents and kids.

Ronna McDaniel is the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Read More From Original Article Here: Keep Radical Democrats Away From Our Kids

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