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Kari Lake appeals election to AZ Supreme Court.

Republican Candidate⁢ Appeals to​ Arizona Supreme‍ Court ‍in ⁣Election Case

Republican gubernatorial candidate ⁣Kari Lake has‌ taken her election ⁤case‌ to the Arizona Supreme Court, claiming​ that 8,000⁤ unreadable ballots ⁤were not ‍properly configured⁤ during last year’s midterms.

In her appeal, Lake alleges that these⁣ 8,000 ‌ballots ‍were either duplicated‍ or counted, ⁣and that they ‍were ⁣also ⁣unreadable. ⁢According to her ⁣team, the⁣ ballot-on-demand printer investigation report by former Chief⁢ Justice McGregor found that “four​ printers randomly​ printed one‌ or ‍a few ‘fit to⁤ page’ ballots⁤ in⁢ the middle ⁣of printing a batch of ballots…⁢ none of⁤ the technical people ‍with⁣ whom we ‌spoke ⁤could explain how or ⁤why that error occurred.”

An‍ expert for Lake testified that this ⁤”error”‌ could ⁣only⁢ result‌ from ‍malware or remote‍ access, resulting ​in at least 8,000 misconfigured ballots, the majority of ‌which were neither ⁣duplicated nor counted.

The defendants in the⁤ case, ⁤including Maricopa County⁢ officials and the Arizona secretary of state’s office, ⁢have not‌ issued a public response or filing in the case.

Courts ⁢Have Little ​Appetite

While ‌some of Lake’s legal challenges have been rejected by state courts, ‌she remains determined⁢ and has expressed her ⁣willingness to take her lawsuit to ​the ‍U.S. ‌Supreme ‍Court⁢ if necessary.​ However,​ the top⁢ court has shown ⁣little interest in‌ taking up​ election challenges ‌since late 2020.

“This is, ⁣I‌ believe, our ⁣best ⁤hope to⁣ bring about​ reform in our ⁤elections: my case,” ‍Lake said in ⁤a recent interview. “I believe it’s‌ the greatest election​ case. We have ​the⁤ truth​ on our side. We ⁤have tons of ‍evidence. ‍Yes, we haven’t had a judge ⁤rule in ‌our ⁣favor. ‍But it takes a lot of courage to‍ make the‌ right ruling on this case.”

‌ ⁢

Lake⁣ has never⁢ conceded the⁢ race to⁤ Democrat Gov.⁢ Katie Hobbs,​ who took office earlier​ this year.​ Additionally, ⁣she ⁤has ⁤hinted at ⁤the possibility of running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by former Democratic Sen. Kyrsten ⁢Sinema⁢ (I-Ariz.), potentially ‍creating⁤ a three-way race between Lake, ⁢Sinema, and Rep. Reuben Gallego (D-Ariz.).

In a separate case, another court has‌ ordered ⁢Lake’s team and​ former Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem’s team to pay $122,200 in‌ sanctions. ⁢U.S.​ District Judge John ⁢Tuchi in Phoenix stated that former Harvard⁣ Law ⁢professor Alan ‌Dershowitz is also‌ responsible‍ for about 10 ⁢percent of ‍the fine, as ‍he signed off on several legal⁤ documents in the case.

“Failing to impose meaningful⁤ sanctions here might very⁤ well encourage others to follow suit ‍by lending their credibility to ‍documents⁤ filed in court without consequences,” ⁢Judge Tuchi ⁣wrote.

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