Washington Examiner

Justice Samuel Alito reportedly accepted luxury vacation from billionaire with cases before Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s Undisclosed Luxury Fishing Vacation

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has found himself in hot water after it was revealed that he accepted a lavish fishing vacation from billionaire hedge fund mogul Paul Singer. What makes this revelation even more concerning is that Singer later appeared before the Supreme Court, urging the justices to rule in his favor on multiple cases. Despite this clear conflict of interest, Alito failed to disclose the trip, violating the court’s ethics standards.

A Troubling Pattern

This is not the first time Singer has appeared before the Supreme Court. In fact, he has been involved in at least 10 cases related to his hedge funds, which have garnered significant media attention. One notable case in 2014 resulted in a ruling in Singer’s favor, awarding his fund a staggering $2.4 billion in a dispute with Argentina.

Alito, who was part of the 7-1 majority in that case, failed to recuse himself despite accepting the luxury vacation from Singer just six years prior. To make matters worse, he completely omitted any mention of the trip in his financial disclosure statements, a clear violation of the court’s ethics standards.

A Pricey Getaway

The details of Alito’s luxury fishing trip are eye-opening. He reportedly accompanied Singer to a remote fishing lodge in Alaska during the summer of 2008. Such an extravagant vacation would typically cost around $1,000 per day for lodging alone, not to mention the hefty expenses associated with travel. Astonishingly, none of these expenses were disclosed by Alito in his financial statements for that year.

Denial and Op-Ed Tactics

When confronted with these allegations, Alito vehemently denied any wrongdoing. In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, he accused ProPublica, the outlet that broke the story, of attempting to mislead readers. Interestingly, Alito’s op-ed was published just hours before ProPublica’s report went public, seemingly an attempt to get ahead of the allegations.

Alito’s Defense

In his op-ed, Alito argued that he had no knowledge of Singer’s connection to the cases he ruled on. Even if he had known, he claimed that recusal would not have been necessary. He dismissed the luxury vacation as a mere “exception of small talk during a fishing trip 15 years ago,” which he believed exempted him from reporting it.

Ethics Standards Under Scrutiny

This latest revelation adds fuel to the fire as congressional Democrats push for stricter ethics standards for the Supreme Court. Just last month, it was reported that Justice Clarence Thomas failed to disclose luxury vacations paid for by billionaire Harlan Crow. While current rules require justices to disclose gifts exceeding $415, the guidelines surrounding travel and lodging gifts remain unclear.

The Judicial Conference has recently updated its guidelines, now requiring justices and federal judges to provide more detailed reports on gifts, including private jet rides and complimentary hotel stays.

Alito’s Interpretation

Alito defended his actions by stating that before the updated guidelines were implemented, justices often understood the rules to exclude gifts given out of hospitality, such as accommodations or transportation to social events. He claimed that his flight to Alaska fell under this understanding, as he believed it would not impose any extra cost on Singer. Alito argued that taking commercial flights would have inconvenienced security personnel, which is why he accepted the private transportation.

As the controversy surrounding Alito’s undisclosed luxury vacation unfolds, it raises important questions about the integrity and transparency of the Supreme Court.

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