July 4 Shooting Suspect Said in Video to Followers “What's Up Communists?”

I think we put paid to the claims from the left that Robert Crimo III — the man arrested in the Highland Park mass shooting — was a Trump supporter.

We saw Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) train wreck all over that claim, and even curse out a man for simply asking what Swalwell’s evidence was that the suspect was a Trump supporter.

As we noted, one of Crimo’s friends said that the reason Crimo was at a Trump rally was that Crimo was trying to mock the Trump supporters. It was a goof; Crimo was not in any way a Trump supporter. He was dressed like “Waldo,” which is a joke started by Jimmy Kimmel against President Donald Trump. We’ve also reported how Crimo’s likes on his Twitter accounts were for talking points of the left, and the people he followed included Joe Biden and Kamala Harris–not to mention, that Trump supporters are not generally shooting up Fourth of July parades.

But there’s more information from the Daily Mail that indicates he wasn’t a Trump supporter.

They found a video in which he was building a shed to live in next to his father’s home. He also was painting a shooter on the side of the home, with a smiley face emoji on it. He commonly wore a shirt with that smiley face on it. In the video, he says to his followers, “What’s up, communists?” He also says “Death to America” — two things you’re likely not going to hear from a Trump supporter. So, if anyone needed more, there you go, that’s more that militates against that claim.

Crimo shows his car that has a “47” on it. People have wondered what 47 means, speculating that it might be a reversal of the day of the attack, and another indication that he had been planning it for a while. That might be, but since he also dressed like Agent 47 in the “Hitman” video game series, that’s likely the primary motivation for that obsession.

Crimo concludes his video, with “Goodbye, Mr. FBI agent.” He also has a picture of himself elsewhere, wearing an FBI hat. So, that’s another fixation.

The bottom line given his prior actions and his videos — he appears to have been mentally unwell, considering an alleged suicide threat as well as a threat to kill family members. The police haven’t mentioned any motive for the shooting yet, much less a political motive. But if there is one, it’s not about being a Trump supporter.

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