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Judge Orders Hunter Biden to Provide Details on Income From Artwork, Investments, Gifts From Friends

Hunter Biden Pays Up to $750,000 in Child Support

Get ready for some shocking news! Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, may have paid up to $750,000 in child support to the mother of his 4-year-old daughter since March 2020. One of his attorneys revealed this information during a hearing in Independence County Circuit Court in Batesville, Arkansas.

The Child Support Dispute

The dispute is between Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts, the Arkansas woman who gave birth to his daughter in August 2018. Initially, Hunter denied that the child was his, but a DNA test confirmed that he is the father. In March 2020, he and Roberts agreed to an undisclosed amount in monthly child support, which began on April 1, 2020. However, Hunter asked the court to review the arrangement in September because his financial status had changed.

Monthly Payment Revealed

During the hearing, Hunter Biden’s attorney revealed that he has been paying $20,000 monthly, which adds up to more than $700,000 since the support order was signed. However, the terms of the agreement are sealed because they contain sensitive personal information, including the amount of monthly support and each party’s source of income.

Judge Orders Disclosure of Income

The judge ordered Hunter Biden to provide information on his income from his artwork, investments, employment, gifts from friends, and other sources. She also ordered Roberts to provide information on the value of her assets. However, Hunter’s attorneys complained that news outlets had published information from sealed court files, including tax files and information on his cars, which had been redacted.

Can’t Gag the World

Despite their complaints, the judge said that without proof someone was illegally releasing information, there was little she could do. She added that journalists and the public often speculate on matters and may come close to guessing what is in a sealed file. “If the press comes up with those things, I can’t control that. I can’t gag the world,” she said.


It’s clear that the child support dispute between Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts is far from over. As more information is revealed, we’ll keep you updated on the latest developments.

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