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Fetterman’s office covers for struggling senator with dirty trick.

Is Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman Struggling?

It’s always good to have someone who can cover for you at work — particularly if you can’t actually do your job all that well. Such is the case with Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman. The newly elected Democrat has assured his constituents that, despite having a stroke just before the primary last year, he’d be perfectly capable of performing his elected duties. A long spell in the hospital for treatment of depression seemed to cast doubt upon this, as has his cognitive difficulties since then.

Doctored Remarks

According to Fox News, many of Fetterman’s remarks have been doctored by the senator’s office to make him look more coherent than he actually is. This was highlighted when Jeff Stein, a Washington Post economics reporter, admitted to amplifying a misquote Fetterman’s office provided to him, which had significantly altered Fetterman’s actual statements. Stein received backlash for tweeting that Fetterman had asked Silicon Valley Bank ex-CEO Greg Becker, “Shouldn’t you have a working requirement after we bail out your bank? Republicans seem to be more preoccupied with SNAP requirements for hungry people than protecting taxpayers that have to bail out these banks.”

Fetterman’s exact remarks were, “Republicans want a work requirement for SNAP, for hungry families…Shouldn’t you have a working requirement after we bail out your bank?”

Office’s Transcription

Fox News noted that while it is common for reporters to leave out filler words like ‘um’ and ‘you know’ when transcribing remarks, the extreme changes to Fetterman’s actual words in the quote Stein tweeted left onlookers stunned. Moreover, further video of Fetterman from the Silicon Valley Bank hearing did not evince a man who was in tip-top form.

This was not a one-time event from Fetterman’s office, as Fox News noted. His office’s transcription of remarks during an April 26 hearing was also doctored.

Democrats’ Problem

Fetterman is emblematic of a serious problem in the Democratic Party that literally goes all the way to the top, in the Oval Office. Whether it’s President Joe Biden or congresspeople like Sens. Fetterman and Dianne Feinstein, the left side of the aisle is ready and more than willing to enable those who are unfit for office to continue in their roles. Fetterman’s people doctoring his transcripts is just the tip of the iceberg — but it’s emblematic of a party willing to cover for whoever helps them hold onto power in Washington, D.C.

  • Key Takeaway: Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman’s office has been doctoring his remarks to make him appear more coherent than he actually is. This is emblematic of a larger problem in the Democratic Party, which is willing to cover for those who are unfit for office to hold onto power in Washington, D.C.

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