John and Andy Schlafly: Weaponized Prosecutions Create a Biden Police State

As many as 20 top Republicans have reportedly been targeted by Democrat prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia, a county that voted 3-to-1 for Biden in the last election, according to a recent report in the New York Times. Specious allegations of racketeering and conspiracy are part of the arsenal in this and other political prosecutions being unleashed against Trump and his advisors.

Last week Fulton County prosecutors misled the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit by pretending that the signatures on the Georgia mail-in ballots were twice verified. Instead, as confirmed in data posted by the non-partisan Ballotpedia, Georgia opened the floodgates to mail-in ballots in 2020 without maintaining normal verification and rejection rates.

Ballotpedia’s table of mail-in or absentee ballots in the last three elections show that Georgia increased its allowance of mail ballots by a record 1.1 million (from 213,000 in 2016 to 1,316,000 in 2020). At the same time, its rejection rate fell from 6.4% in 2016 to a rock-bottom 0.4% in 2020.

Those mail-in “votes” were overwhelmingly for Biden, without meaningful verification of their authenticity. Every percentage point reduction in the rejection rate likely meant 11,000 more votes for Biden in a state he reportedly won by only that slim margin.

Ballotpedia charts all the states by the change in rejection rates of their mail-in or absentee ballots from 2016 to 2020, and Georgia ranks as the very worst in the country by that crucial measure. Georgia decreased its ballot rejections by 30 times the national average reduction in ballot rejections between the last two presidential elections.

Yet not only do prosecutors in Georgia fail to acknowledge this disparity, they reportedly plan to indict the Trump advisers and ultimately Trump for daring to criticize the malfeasance of Georgia election officials in allowing questionable ballots to be counted. A worse political misuse of prosecutorial power is difficult to imagine, and on Monday the Fulton County prosecutors even filed court papers to compel testimony by a police chaplain from the small town of Montgomery, Illinois.

Texas courts have already stood up against the Fulton County travesty by properly rejecting Georgia’s attempt to haul Texans before the Democrat-stacked process in an Atlanta courtroom. A Texas appellate court expressed its strong doubts that the Fulton County proceeding is even legitimate, as it ruled that a Texas resident can ignore Fulton County’s subpoena.

Ballotpedia data show that the rejection rate of only 0.15% in Georgia of invalid signatures on mail-in/absentee ballots in 2020 was far less than in many other states, and comparable to the national average rejection rate for ballots failing to contain any signature at all.

For nearly two years, Fulton County prosecutors have been unable to find any real crime committed by any Trump supporter or Republican in criticizing Georgia’s improper election procedures. Now in the Eleventh Circuit, Democrats are pleading a belated urgency as they demand immediate testimony by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

In Nevada on Saturday, campaigning for Republican Adam Laxalt for U.S. Senate, while polling indicates a GOP recapture of

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