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Joe Biden’s legal team in talks for interview with Special Counsel.

Attorneys Negotiating Interview with Special Counsel for⁢ President Joe Biden

According to‌ a‍ report by NBC​ News, attorneys for President‌ Joe Biden have been engaged​ in negotiations to have⁢ him interviewed by special counsel Robert Hur regarding his possession of classified documents before 2021.

Biden, who kept classified documents⁢ at his home‍ in Delaware and at the offices of⁢ the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center ⁣in Washington, is now being sought for ‍an interview by investigators following ⁣the appointment of a special counsel to probe criminal conduct.

The‍ discovery ‍of classified‌ information at Biden’s home and offices has sparked bipartisan criticism, similar to the discovery of classified‍ documents stored‌ by former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago in Florida. Trump is currently facing⁤ 40 felony charges in that case.

Former⁤ Vice President Mike Pence also had classified‍ materials discovered at his Indiana ⁢home, although ​he has not been investigated.

“I⁣ don’t know what the hell is going on around here. It’s the ‍weirdest thing ‍I’ve ⁢ever seen,” Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, the ​vice chairman of ‍the Senate Intelligence Committee, told The ‌Hill.

“Clearly at the executive branch they’re just packing boxes,” he said.

Biden’s possession of up to 30 ‌classified documents, including ​intelligence briefs about foreign adversaries at the highest level of classification, has raised concerns. Some ‍of these documents were found ​by Biden’s personal attorneys, who⁣ did not have ⁤security clearances ⁢to view them.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert ​Hur as special counsel to investigate‌ Biden on Jan. 12.

While no agreement has been reached ‍regarding the interview, the House Judiciary Committee has ​launched its own‍ investigation into Biden’s possession of classified ⁣documents, which have since been removed ⁢from his possession.

Presidents rarely⁤ provide in-person testimony in criminal matters, with Trump having only provided written testimony during his investigation into alleged Russian interference in​ the 2016 presidential election.

The Department of Justice ⁣has not ⁣yet responded to requests for comment.

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The post Joe Biden’s Legal Team Reportedly Negotiating an Interview ‌with Special Counsel ‍appeared ‌first on The Western ⁢Journal.

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