the federalist

Jim Jordan requests FBI to provide additional documents on Biden family corruption

House Republican Chairman Demands FBI Release Evidence of Biden Family Pay-to-Play Schemes

House Republican Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan ⁢is demanding the FBI release ⁣evidence highlighting the Biden family’s pay-to-play schemes to investigators in the⁣ lower chamber.

On Thursday, the Ohio lawmaker sent a letter to⁢ FBI Director Christopher Wray to provide Congress an FD-1023 form from March 2017.‍ The document was referenced in the bombshell FD-1023 form released this summer, exposing an apparent ​bribery scheme between the⁣ president and a foreign ⁣oligarch.

“The Committee requires this document to ⁢evaluate whether sufficient grounds exist to consider drafting ⁢articles of impeachment,” the Judiciary chairman wrote.

The FD-1023, from June⁣ 2020, provided detailed information ​from a “highly credible” ⁤confidential human source (CHS) about the Biden family cashing in​ on ⁢the⁤ president’s political influence. According to the unclassified document, the Biden family allegedly took a $10​ million bribe from Mykola Zlochevsky, the ​founder of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, where Hunter Biden served on the board raking in excessive​ compensation.

🚨 #BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan demands the FBI provide the newly identified FBI ‍FD-1023 form⁢ concerning a confidential human source⁤ report ‌about payments made to​ the Biden family from foreign entities.

“Because the‍ 2020 FD-1023 includes such serious allegations of bribery and the involvement⁣ of President Biden in Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings and because material in the 2017 FD-1023 led to⁢ the development ​of the 2020 FD-1023, the‍ Committee needs access [to] ⁣the ⁣2017 FD-1023,” Jordan wrote. “In sum, the 2017 FD-1023 is necessary to ‍inform potential legislation and to inform the Committee’s impeachment investigation into President Biden.”

House Republicans launched impeachment proceedings against President Biden in September before‌ a​ weeks-long ⁢adjournment of the chamber to elect a new speaker. Lawmakers have issued formal subpoenas⁣ for several members of the Biden family and associates​ as part of the congressional investigation, including Hunter Biden. On Wednesday, ⁤the president’s⁤ son made a surprise appearance on Capitol Hill as members​ of ‌the House Oversight Committee deliberated contempt ⁣proceedings for Hunter’s disregard of the congressional subpoena.

[READ:[READ:Hunter Biden Flipped Congress⁤ The Bird‌ To⁢ Get⁤ B-Roll For His Damage-Control ⁢Documentary]

The House ⁢Oversight Committee and ⁤the House Judiciary Committee ‌ultimately ⁣ voted to⁢ advance ⁢resolutions to hold the younger Biden in contempt⁤ for refusing to sit for private depositions.

“Hunter Biden’s willful refusal to comply with the Committees’ subpoenas is ⁤a criminal act. It constitutes contempt of Congress and warrants referral to the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution as prescribed by law,” said Oversight Chairman James Comer ⁣of Kentucky. “We will not provide Hunter Biden with special treatment because‍ of‌ his last name.”

Bank records released by the Oversight Committee in December show Hunter Biden funneling money directly to Joe‌ Biden as the ​family peddled political influence with overseas businessmen. According to House investigators, ​the Biden family directed money through more than 2 0 shell companies, most of which were established while Joe Biden was vice president. The Biden family‌ was found to have raked in upwards of $20 million from foreign‌ oligarchs from places like China,⁤ Russia, and Kazakhstan.

While President Biden repeatedly denied ever discussing business with his ‍son in ⁢the run-up ⁣to the 2020⁣ election, abundant evidence ‌has ⁢surfaced casting doubt on these ​claims. Fox News reported in December, based on records from the House Ways and Means Committee, that President Biden using “email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with​ son Hunter Biden and⁣ Hunter’s⁣ business associates.”

Tristan Justice is the western ⁢correspondent for The Federalist and the author of Social⁢ Justice Redux, a conservative newsletter on culture, health, and wellness. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His⁢ work has also been featured ​in Real Clear​ Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political ⁤science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at⁢ [email protected]. Sign up for Tristan’s email newsletter here.

What evidence does House Republican Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan specifically request from the FBI in regard⁤ to alleged pay-to-play schemes involving the Biden ⁢family?

House‍ Republican Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is calling on the FBI to‍ release evidence of alleged pay-to-play schemes involving the​ Biden family. In a letter to FBI ​Director Christopher⁢ Wray, Jordan‍ requested the FD-1023 form from March 2017, which was referenced in a recently released FD-1023 form⁤ that exposed a potential bribery scheme between the president and a foreign oligarch.

The Ohio lawmaker stated that the document is necessary for the committee to evaluate whether there⁢ are sufficient grounds to consider drafting articles of impeachment against President Biden. The 2020 FD-1023 provided detailed information from a highly credible confidential human source (CHS) regarding the Biden family allegedly cashing in on the‌ president’s political‌ influence. The unclassified document suggests that the Biden family received a $10 million ⁢bribe from Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder​ of Ukrainian energy firm ​Burisma, ⁤where Hunter Biden served on the board receiving excessive compensation.

House⁢ Republicans initiated impeachment proceedings against President Biden ⁢in September and have issued formal subpoenas for members of⁢ the ‍Biden family and associates as part of the congressional‍ investigation. Hunter Biden recently made a surprise appearance on Capitol Hill as the House Oversight Committee deliberated ⁣contempt proceedings for his refusal to comply with the⁢ congressional subpoena.

The House Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee have⁤ voted to advance resolutions holding Hunter Biden in contempt for his non-compliance. ​Oversight Chairman James‌ Comer of‌ Kentucky stated that ‍Hunter‍ Biden’s refusal to comply constitutes a criminal act and ‌should be referred to the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution.

Bank records released ⁣by the‍ Oversight Committee in December revealed that Hunter Biden funneled⁣ money directly to his father, Joe Biden, as ⁤part of the⁣ family’s alleged peddling⁤ of political​ influence‌ with overseas businessmen. House investigators claim that the Biden family directed money through multiple channels to hide payments from foreign adversaries.

The demand for the release of evidence is part of ongoing efforts by House Republicans to investigate allegations of corruption involving the Biden family. The release of such evidence ‌could have significant implications for ‍the ‍Biden administration and potentially ​lead to further legal and political consequences.

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