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Nadler appears unconcerned about the possibility of World War III.

Representative Jerry Nadler Doesn’t Seem to Care About World War III

Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler from New York appears to be carefree about the possibility of World War III starting over Ukraine. In fact, he recently stated that he wouldn’t care if Ukraine invaded Russia, even if they did so with U.S.-supplied weapons. When a reporter asked him if he was concerned that Ukraine would enter Russian territory, Nadler was dismissive and even smirked about the intensification of the war. He also refused to condemn Ukraine if they used American-made F-16s to attack Russia.

Last week, it was announced that President Biden backed sending American F-16s to Ukraine. It is uncertain whether the U.S. will send its own F-16s or whether it will simply allow European countries to export American F-16s to Ukraine. This decision came after months of the Biden administration denying that the U.S. would ever do so. Biden was reportedly pressured into sending the jets by the Pentagon and European allies. He eventually relented.

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said, “We see that the Western countries are still adhering to the escalation scenario.” Grushko intimated that the West could suffer even more consequences if that happened. “It involves enormous risks for themselves,” Grushko added. “In any case, this will be taken into account in all our plans, and we have all the necessary means to achieve the set goals.”

What Does Escalation Look Like?

The Biden administration has long felt that providing the planes could prolong the war and increase its volatility. With this decision, the Biden administration has made a sharp reversal, after refusing to approve any transfer of the aircraft or conduct training for more than a year due to worries that it could escalate tensions with Russia. U.S. officials also have argued against the F-16 by saying that learning to fly and logistically support such an advanced aircraft would be difficult and take months.

At the very least, escalation means more dead Ukrainians and Russians. The death toll in the war is already in the hundreds-of-thousands. At worst, it means that NATO is dragged into the war — which means that the U.S. would be also.

Nadler’s Nonchalance

You wouldn’t think that is a laughing matter for a member of Congress. Nadler is pretty nonchalant about it all — even absolving himself of any responsibility. It is a pretty serious issue that requires statesmanship, but we’re not led by serious men at this time. We are being sleepwalked by fools like Nadler into war with nuclear power.


The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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