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Jen Psaki clarifies feelings towards Peter Doocy, faults Fox News for his distress

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki disclosed‍ details about her relationship ‌with Fox News correspondent ‍Peter Doocy in an interview. To read more about their interactions and insights from the discussion, click the “Read more” button. Your‌ revised⁢ text is​ concise and effectively conveys the message about Jen Psaki ⁢discussing ‌her‌ relationship with Peter Doocy in an interview. Great job! Thank you for your positive feedback! If ⁢you need further assistance ⁢or ⁤any more revisions,⁢ feel free to let me know.

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed during a recent interview that despite their regular sparring in the briefing room, she “didn’t hate” Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy.

Psaki made the comments during a forum titled “President and the Podium” while discussing her new book, “Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World.” The forum — hosted by The Ankler — also included another former Press Secretary, Dee Dee Myers (who served during the Clinton administration).

The former Biden Press Secretary — whose exit to MSNBC opened the door for current White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre — explained that she followed the network well enough to know what Doocy might ask on any given day. She also made clear her contempt for Fox News, suggesting that it must be “traumatizing” for anyone who was employed there.

“People often ask me, ‘How much did you hate that guy?’ And I’m always like, ‘No, I didn’t hate him at all,’ Psaki said. “I feel like it would be a real mind-bend to work for Fox. It feels like a traumatizing experience he has to live through every day.”

“That aside, it’s quite predictable what they were going to ask — if there was a winding roundabout of, you know, ‘migrants at the border, here to kill all of you,’ you knew they were going to ask about immigration that day. So I didn’t see it as necessarily winning the argument with him as much as using it as a forum to provide what our points were, right?” Psaki continued. “When I came in, we followed Trump and an administration that was like, ‘inject bleach, you’re all liars, we hate the media.’ So there was a very low bar for me.”

Doocy, meanwhile, continues to have a contentious relationship with President Joe Biden’s White House — and with the president himself, on occasion.

One exchange in early 2022 ended with Biden calling Doocy a “stupid son of a b****” — only to call the Fox News correspondent a short time later to add that it was “nothing personal, pal.”

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