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The Big Lies About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion( DEI ) by Jeff Davidson

My daughter sang in the 80-student education song when she was in high school. A woman complained that the chorus was” never sufficiently diverse” in a letter to the school magazine and the neighborhood newspapers following one town-wide performance.

Diversity: Just Black People Matter

My sister objected to this viewpoint in a written response. She stated that among the choir members were learners of Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Indonesian ancestry, as well as those of European descent, such as Italian, Romanian, Austrian, French, or Spanish.

Oh yeah, there were also 12 African Americans in the choir, 2 Hispanic Americans, and a few scholars of mingled heritage. Flash forward 16 years: diversity to the Left is now widely accepted as a euphemism for” black ,” and the term as it is used today bears little resemblance to its original meaning.

The Left has determined that if you’re’re white, you are a barrier to diversity. The highly prejudiced wokesters among us view all white people as one crystalline mass of people who lack individuality, distinct cultural backgrounds, and are inherently racist, especially when it comes to being unwelcoming to others. To put it politely, this assumption is obviously twaddle.

Think about the figures.

Just a Leftist may make you do this tedious exercise if you looked at the chorus’s’s race and ethnicity; 12 is 15 % of 80. The school song is overrepresented by black students in a nation where blacks make up 12 % of the people.


16 of the 80 chorus members, who represent a 19 % Hispanic population in the United States,” should ,” but they are not. There should be five or six Eastern choir members with a 7 % U.S. Asian community, which is the case. But why take this route?

The fact that Whites are underrepresented on the school’s’s sports team is disturbing beyond belief. Few of them were chosen for the choir, whereas joining is self-selection. Come on board if you want to perform. In the game membership, there is a lack of black players. Make a PC authorities face! Self-selection is required to join the game league, as with the song.

The Grand Facade in Equity

Don’t even begin to discuss capital, which Kamala Harris is very concerned about. She claims that ensuring capital, which entails an equality of outcomes, is the goal of government. Individuals may receive the same benefits as everyone else, including persons and non-citizens. The government must provide education, job training, apprenticeship programs, coaching, equal employment opportunities, and unemployment compensation.

Actually, not everyone puts forth the same work. Do you recall the persistent slackness of your schoolmates? Some individuals consistently underperform at work while simultaneously requesting more public benefits. These people continue to support Democrats who are knowledgeable at holding vegetables in their hands.

An elite class always develops when a select few people have access to far more” equity” than everyone else. Leaders who support equity, which is defined as” equality of results ,” learn that it cannot happen without causing significant harm to their countries all over the world. Governments that demand results that are equal prompt their movers and shakers to pack up and leave.

Including: Has its Benefits

The argument for participation has some merit, in contrast to diversity and equity. It takes some stretching to include people outside of your immediate group, aside from those with whom you normally find favor and beyond those you typically associate.

Humans have a tendency to congregate there since the beginning of time and to this day, as did all ancestors of the human race. Benefits may, however, fall in terms of culture, nationality, and race by associating with and including others outside of your regular circles, the least of which is growing a greater appreciation of other cultures.

The Left’s’s most recent preferred pronoun, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ( DEI ), oops… I mean, the word is a disaster in terms of political insurance, practically guaranteeing inequity in hiring, suspicion about those who have recently been favored, and pockets of performance incompetence. And do public initiatives even fail? Or do they continue to grow indefinitely?

What about the business policy of DEI? That’s’s up to the management of individual companies, shareholders, and board members, who, regrettably, are constantly beaten by wokeners.

Now Well, Goodbye

Curiously, if you rearrange the letters” DEI ,” you get” DIE ,” and that’s’s exactly what should happen to the idea of diversity, equity, and inclusion as some sort of lofty government formula for enhancing society.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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